About IAC

The Club
IAC exists as a Private Club within Bridgebase Online, the premier online Bridge site. In our club, there is no room for rude and disruptive players, quitters, or cheaters; all members are expected to be polite and respectful towards everyone.
We have a core of about 500 regular active members and a total membership of around 1000. In order to accept new members eager to join and actively improve their game by playing in the IAC, inactive members are deleted once a year. Therefore, if you want to keep your IAC membership, make sure you join any IAC event or play in club friendly games throughout the year.

Email: IAC.at.BBO@gmail.com
We have a number of teachers providing online Teaching Sessions each week. These sessions are free to members and cover basic and advanced bidding theory, systems ranging from Standard American to Super-Precision, and aspects of Declarer Play and Defence.

Our Teachers come from a diverse range of backgrounds but all give their teaching time free of charge.

Our more advanced members offer mentoring sessions. Both lessons by teachers and mentoring sessions are listed in the IAC Diary page.
Aims & Ambitions
Our aim is to help people in the Intermediate to Advanced range of playing ability improve their Bridge skills. We seek to provide a friendly, supportive and secure environment in which players can improve their skills with other members of a similar level. Please refer to guidelines that are expected from all members.
If you are unsure how to find IAC room at BBO flash version, pls see: http://iac-at-web-bbo.site123.me/ . We will soon make similar manual for newest bbo html version, which is necessary for all voice lessons.
See also: • IAC ForumsIAC YouTube channel
IAC Standard SystemaaBridge
We currently run a number of scheduled Tournaments each week. These are directed by various TDs, but always listed in free tournaments, exclusive to IAC members, and hosted by bbo_iac. Teachers also schedule occasional Teaching Tourneys in addition to these. We award IAC Master points to best placed pairs.

Additionally, we often run spur team matches -- very popular -- where members can win tons of "Monster Points".

We also occasionally run a Pairs Ladder and a Teams Ladder. These are inactive at the moment.
Who Helps to Run IAC?
The people listed below are the ones who keep IAC ticking over. Where we have the information you can click on the <View> button to see more about them.
Name Responsibility View
dkgrab (David) Administration, BBO Representative, PR
GG_Bridge (Charlene) Administration, MP
Yleexotee (Joe Albert Garcia) Administration, PR, Mentor
jcreech (James Creech) Administration, TD & Mentor
oceanss (Sanya) Administration, TD and table assistant
BabsG (Babs) Administration, Teachers and table assistant
OliverC (Oliver Clarke) Administration, Website, Teacher, TD
djc11 (Dibyajyoti Chakravarti) IAC CEO & TD, PR
IAC Teachers
The people listed below are those who generously give their time to teach Bridge in IAC.
Name Website View
Angel blue (Arik) http://angelblue.co.il/
antepa (Jack)
ash_win (Ashwin)
bbo_iac ((Various))
Cedar (Alan Jones)
Chick (Cornelia Yoder) http://www.onlinebridgelessons.com
creemore (Andy Stark) http://unit166.ca/kibitzer/kibitzer.html
Curls77 (Sanya)
djc11 (Dibyajyoti Chakravarti)
djneill (Daniel Neill) https://bridgewithdan.com/
DonnaS (Donna)
fvidkjaer1 (Flemming Vidkjaer)
grypho (Kevin Wilson) https://www.kevinbwilson.com/home
gypsy1308 (Eleanor)
Hi Bye (Diliana)
hoki (Oliver Hoffmann)
jcreech (Jim Creech)
lobowolf (Dan Oakes)
lute57 (John)
MarcSmith (Marc Smith) http://www.bridge-teacher.com
oceanss (Sanya)
OliverC (Oliver Clarke) http://ocp.pigpen.org.uk
phil (Phil Clayton)
poco1 (Colin)
v2008 (Veli Izzet)
Wackojack (Jack)
W_O_B (Mike Dorn Wiss)
yleexotee (Joe Albert Garcia) https://tinyurl.com/jyw73px
zdedo (Walid)
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If you are applying to join IAC, please state why you wish to join and what you hope to gain from your membership of the Club
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Time Zone: This Site shows times in your local time. Select your Time Zone from the list.
Daylight Saving: If you observe Daylight Saving, select your Region from the list.


Help on "About IAC"
This page just tells you a little bit about IAC, its aims and ambitions. It also lists the people who help to run IAC in their various capacities, and the Teachers who conduct teaching Sessions in AIC. Where that person has provided some additional information about themselves and/or a picture, those can be seen by clicking on the enabled "View" button. Where no such info.picture is available that button is greyed out and disabled.