Help on "IAC Diary"
The Diary should contain details of
all the Teaching Sessions conducted in IAC and
all of the Tourneys we run. The information is only as specific as each Teacher or TD wishes to make it. When you first visit it, the Diary will always be displaying the
current week (Sunday to Saturday). All times shown are in your
local time. You can choose to move the Diary around as follows:
- : Moves the week displayed back by one week.
- : Moves the week displayed forward by one week.
- Go!: Moves the Diary to the week containing the date specified alongside. The system specifies the Sunday of the week it is currently displaying. If you want to jump to a particular date just click on the small down-arrow to the right of the date and then select the date from the pop-up calendar.
- This Week: Always shows the current week
- Next Week: Always shows next week
- Show All: Shows the entire Diary from the current week onwards.
- Choose Category: We give each Session a Category and you can choose to display all the sessions from this week onwards in a given category by selecting one.
- View Instances of a Session: You can choose to look at all the instances of a given Session by selecting it in this field.
If there is a website associated with a particular teacher or teaching session (and we know about it) you can visit the site by clicking on the Teacher's name.
Where the teacher concerned has provided additional details about particular Sessions, these are displayed alongside.