IAC MonsterPoints
IAC MonsterPoints for regularly-scheduled Pairs Tournaments and for wins in the Teams and Ladders. The IAC Monster Point scheme is mainly for fun (and to add a little spice to the Tourney's/Matches) and will only be visible on the website.* Pairs tournaments: Top three pairs receive 5, 3 and 1 MP respectively.
* Individual tournaments: Top 5 players receive 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 MP.
* Team Matches: All 4 players from winning team receive 4 MPs, or both teams receive 2 MPs when there was a tie.
* Lot's of MP are given to winners of monthly Master Solver Club contest in IAC Forums, check HERE for details.
* Every now and then we will award special bonus, as for example we gave double points for first trnys in January.
* NEW: We'd like applaud members that support club and often join IAC events. At the beginning of each month we will award Participation Bonus of 5 MP to each player that participated in 20 events (any trny or tm), regardless of their score.