Teachers and Teaching

IAC is first and foremost a Teaching Club. Here are listed IAC's teachers and TD's, although not all are currently active. Please check the Diary for scheduled Teaching sessions and Tourneys.
IAC Teachers
Teacher Name IAC Role Website URL Actions
Angel blue Arik Teacher http://angelblue.co.il/
Cedar Alan Jones Teacher
Chick Cornelia Yoder Teacher http://www.onlinebridgelessons.com
creemore Andy Stark Teacher http://unit166.ca/kibitzer/kibitzer.html
djneill Daniel Neill Teacher https://bridgewithdan.com/
DonnaS Donna Teacher
grypho Kevin Wilson Teacher https://www.kevinbwilson.com/home
hoki Oliver Hoffmann Teacher
jcreech Jim Creech Teacher
lobowolf Dan Oakes Teacher
lute57 John Teacher
MarcSmith Marc Smith Teacher http://www.bridge-teacher.com
OliverC Oliver Clarke Teacher http://ocp.pigpen.org.uk
phil Phil Clayton Teacher
poco1 Colin Teacher
Wackojack Jack Teacher
W_O_B Mike Dorn Wiss Teacher
yleexotee Joe Albert Garcia Teacher https://tinyurl.com/jyw73px
Teaching Sessions & Tourneys
Day Time Teacher Topic Actions
Sunday 14:00 UTC djc11 IAC Sunday Funday Tourney
18:45 UTC FleuretteD IAC Survivor, lets show the world how good survivers we are : )
19:00 UTC bbo_iac RANDOM bbo-iac session to use as a fill out
20:00 UTC lute57 OCP practice, as follow up on OliverC OCP lessons by lute57
Monday 19:10 UTC Curls77 Mischievous Monday IAC tourney (opens to all 30 mins before start)
19:20 UTC Curls77 DARE DECLARE tournament + review with Cedar or poco1
Tuesday 19:00 UTC djc11 Trippy Tuesday Trny
19:45 UTC Cedar *** Play and Discuss *** Discussion on zoom after each board * Held in Lesson public club
Wednesday 19:00 UTC hoki Play with Hoki !! 3 sessions with 3 volunteers, play and discuss.
19:00 UTC Hi Bye Di Stories - IAC tournament, lets share a fun story while enjoing the game!
19:01 UTC hoki Bid/Play and review session with Hoki * type
Thursday 18:00 UTC ash_win Thursday Bridge Bash with Ash : )
18:00 UTC DonnaS Misunderstandings within pardship? Off they go!
Friday 14:00 UTC fvidkjaer1 IAC Guldborgsund Open pairs
19:00 UTC antepa IAC Mythical tournament, format and time may vary, check BBO mail
Saturday 19:00 UTC FleuretteD IAC Swiss Teams tourney
21:00 UTC OliverC OCP Super-Precision V3
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Time Zone: This Site shows times in your local time. Select your Time Zone from the list.
Daylight Saving: If you observe Daylight Saving, select your Region from the list.


Help on "Teachers & Teaching"
Here are listed all of the people who currently teach in IAC and the basic records for their Teaching Sessions.In the IAC Teachers section, click on the "View Nickname" buttons to see more details. The buttons with blue rather than green text show that additional details and a picture can be seen for that Teacher.

Similarly, the Teaching Sessions section lists the basic details of the Sessions that each of the Teachers conducts in IAC. Click on the "View" Button to see further details of a particular Session.

Please Note: The Weekdays and Times shown on this page are not displayed in your local time but in GMT/UTC. If you want precise information on Teaching Sessions with times displayed in your local time, you are better consulting the IAC Diary. Please also remember that you will only see times in your local time if you've given us your Time Zone and Daylight Savings details in your Registration Record. For example if you are in the Eastern Time Zone in the USA (GMT/UTC -5) then on the Diary page you will see Hondo717's Session as 22:00 on Tuesday, but here it is shown in GMT/UTC as 03:00 on Wednesday.