IAC Hall of Fame

Welcome to our Hall of Fame, in which we honour those of our Members who have scored the most Monster Points over a period of time (normally about 6 months). We reset the Monster Points every so often, and the highest scorers at that point enter our Hall of Fame.

Congratulations to all those named below, and to those who didn't quite make it!

Existing Hall of Fame Entries

Winter 2020
IAC Member MonsterPoints Rank
(297) 1
ccr3 (279) 2
(257) 3
thornbury (215) 4
Wackojack (127) 5
djc11 (106) 6
yleexotee (106) 7
Nehabridge (98) 8
jcreech (89) 9
FleuretteD (81) 10
jojah45 (72) 11
sanjnas (71) 12
draculea (70) 13
(66) 14
(60) 15
Spring 2020
IAC Member MonsterPoints Rank
ccr3 (609) 1
thornbury (570) 2
(464) 3
(320) 4
Nehabridge (270) 5
jojah45 (269) 6
Wackojack (256) 7
djc11 (254) 8
yleexotee (217) 9
ShawnT (214) 10
tislafl (173) 11
jcreech (168) 12
(151) 13
nekthen (148) 14
masse24 (142) 15
Winter 2019
IAC Member MonsterPoints Rank
(721) 1
(444) 2
Nehabridge (409) 3
ccr3 (363) 4
Wackojack (353) 5
jcreech (321) 6
tislafl (291) 7
ShawnT (232) 8
(183) 9
masse24 (171) 10
toasterLn (170) 11
(169) 12
jojah45 (162) 13
Spring 2019
IAC Member MonsterPoints Rank
ccr3 (921) 1
binh123 (871) 2
(804) 3
(641) 4
(525) 5
Wackojack (474) 6
jojah45 (370) 7
(367) 8
thornbury (362) 9
jcreech (343) 10
(322) 11
tislafl (292) 12
(287) 13
Winter 2018
IAC Member MonsterPoints Rank
(990) 1
thornbury (661) 2
(523) 3
jojah45 (487) 4
binh123 (483) 5
(360) 6
(345) 7
(308) 8
(288) 9
oktayA (251) 10
(235) 11
(233) 12
(230) 13
dbrgjerry (227) 14
chroniou (218) 15
Summer 2018
IAC Member MonsterPoints Rank
thornbury (103) 1
(69) 2
jojah45 (58) 3
(54) 4
draculea (51) 5
nekthen (49) 6
(45) 8
tetiko (44) 9
(42) 10
(36) 11
gypsy1308 (35) 12
(32) 13
Fall 2016
IAC Member MonsterPoints Rank
thornbury 1
jojah45 6
Spring 2016
IAC Member MonsterPoints Rank
thornbury 1
btour 3
msphola 5
iammagas 6
tislafl 7
shuRobert 9
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