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Topics - Curls77

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The IAC Café / Terence Reese books
« on: December 29, 2020, 02:18:24 PM »
Some of great books from T. Reese are now available in open org archive library.
They might be old editions, but never the less great readings.

I uploaded them to Drop Box, you do not need have it installed, just click on each file and download.
Link is:

Happy New Year IAC

IAC Teaching Sessions / Dare Defend
« on: November 11, 2020, 01:45:21 AM »
Hi guys, we have started this new theme in the Dare Mondays, and I missed give you questions to think off, but why not discuss here?
Please check this file:
and answer here,
on next poco lesson, we will discuss others from this file:

IAC Matters / DJC11 - New IAC CEO
« on: June 10, 2020, 04:42:31 PM »
Please all congratulate djc11 for becoming IAC CEO !! :))

IAC administration had a meeting and reviewed our goals, coc, club position within latest changes in bbo, etc. Nothing much will change for members, we'll continue run as many lessons, mentor sessions, trnys and teams as we can. All major decisions will be taken by whole administration, and you are welcome contact any if you have any question (see You can also mail us.

IAC is very happy to have Dibya as CEO, we are fortunate this young nice man overtook load of work to ensure you all get nice games. Please treat him nicely, or you might get cranky Curls back ;) j/k ofc

IAC Teaching Sessions / Evergreen Squeezes with Cedar
« on: May 18, 2020, 10:47:51 AM »
Hello members! Please welcome new IAC teacher that joins us from ACOL club where he successfully runs mentoring sessions, Alan Jones, bbo name CEDAR.

This coming Thursday, May 21st, Cedar will start (long) series of lessons on Squeezes, he has prepared many many examples! The first lesson, which is really important not to miss, covers the terminology that we need, the principles behind squeeze play and (especially) the five-point plan that we will be following to establish whether a squeeze exists on any given hand, and if so how to implement it.

Lesson will use bbo_voice, so please come in V3 bbo version and click on casual to be able reach iac room and hear the teacher. Hope see many of you on Thursday, May 21st at 1400 utc, 10am New York, 3pm London.  :)

Please see later posts for lessons, I'll add file with examples after each session.

BBO Matters / And when we thought V3 was bad, came V5.6.0
« on: May 12, 2020, 11:49:33 AM »
There is likely no bbo user that was not in shock when logged yesterday May 12 and found out about split servers. Please read the bbo news at:
It will severely affect all of players, IAC members inclusive, and until servers are connected even prevent us from doing spur teams  :(

Some of IAC admins, as well as admins of other clubs at bbo made tests and here is what we found out.

     If you log in using the new web version. You can only see those logged into the old versions of BBO at the point of entering BBO. Anyone who is on the V5.6.0 but in private or public clubs shows as offline.
     But as soon as you go through casual to public and private clubs you cannot see anyone who is logged in on the download or flash or any of the tables they are at - the club room looks empty apart from now those on the new web V5.6.0 who previously you thought were offline.
     If you avoid casual and instead click on a players name to join their table this bypasses the new server and you get to see all the players but only those logged in on the old versions and you do not see any who are logged in on V5.6.0. But as soon as you leave a table it takes you back to the BBO home lobby but now you can only see see those logged in on older BBO versions and anyone else is showing as offline. So you may have started playing having bypassed casual but you cannot continue after one table has finished. You cannot leave the TD to make a takes you back to the BBO home lobby ....the only way back to make a table is to go through casual and as soon as you do that all the players who are not on V5.6.0 vanish and those on V5.6.0 suddenly appear.
     If you are logged in using the old download or the flash player then you cannot see any players logged in on the newest web or any tables in play whatsoever only those on the other old versions of BBO. The club just look empty.

If any of this makes any sense to you, you are rare bird  ;D
I personally can NOT believe anyone intelligent would approve release of such faulty solution, and altho they say they work on connecting 2 servers, I do not believe it will happen any time soon, and worse, it won't be their priority link older bbo versions. Nothing we can do but wait and hope for the best, which was what we have done since the covid put all our lives upside down.

BBO Matters / NO FREE TRNYS in prime time?
« on: April 09, 2020, 08:44:18 PM »
BBO has posted another limitation, and I am NOT sure if any IAC trnys can and will run, we shall see what happens tomorrow.
Meanwhile, pls read:

IAC Teams Series / Team Series is currently suspended. on hold
« on: April 04, 2020, 08:17:52 PM »
IAC is not not currently running team series.

The IAC Café / Discover BeBRIDGE, the new magazine
« on: April 03, 2020, 11:41:35 AM »
Did u miss this post in BBO news:
Enjoy couple free pages they share this month, next editions will be subscription only.

BBO Matters / BBO: V3 & coping with Covid19 & NEW IAC MEMBERS
« on: April 03, 2020, 11:39:13 AM »
Everyone has noticed how bbo population quadruplicated since the pandemics started. They do FANTASTIC job staying online, but we all experience big problems, specially our TDs. As most do not read BBO news, pls check those links:

IAC got many new members, most unused playing online, pls see following links to learn how to do things in bbo V3 html version.
BBO youtube channel: 
IAC youtube channel: 
PaulG videos:

Our warmest thanks to BBO  !H and its staff for great work they do and give us place to play ! Please help by not logging in unless you plan to play or watch, allow others to join and play with less risk of breaking the system.

IAC Matters / Loyalty IAC points
« on: April 02, 2020, 09:02:26 PM »
Have you seen new award for those that often join IAC events? Be one of them, simply by playing often enough in our trnys and teams, support teachers and TDs that have real hard time lately run them for you, with bbo being so unstable.
Any member who joins at least 40 events earns 10 Monster Bonus Points, and players that join at least 20 times will earn 5 Monster Bonus Points. So enjoy the events and earn some points doing it. HUGE thanks to Charlene for dealing with all Monster Points, their check & posting, plus setting accurate calendar thru difficult DST change. It's one HUGE JOB! !H
March cudos and points go to Veeree, Thornbury, ccr3, Wackojack, Jojah45, BluBayou and also  Nehabridge, ShawnT, cafaba, djc11, rrowles, Ruah, yleexotee, foxxtrot, tislafl, jcreech,nekthen

IAC Matters / Corona Virus
« on: March 15, 2020, 09:36:41 PM »
As was already discussed within IAC Admins, we are to temporarily suspend our admission policy and let people join us, trying to help all pass thru this tough times. If you have a friend that wants join, please tell them to register at IAC site: and let Curls77, GG_Charlene, yleexotee or djc11 know, and they will be accepted. We'll still insist on our COC, this club won't ever be home for rudes and quitters.
Please feel free call any our TD/admin and ask them know to summon bbo_iac and help u fill up tables.

Be well, and stay safe.

Sleight of Hand / Excellent question
« on: February 28, 2020, 08:49:30 PM »
A second before pulled to IAC spur teams, a member asked his table:
"Does anyone know what redouble over a stop showing bid doubled means in inverted minor?"
What a good question!! I am not sure most of us that do play inv minor ever tought or discussed this. What do u say?

IAC Teaching Sessions / Wacko’s Work-out
« on: February 20, 2020, 01:08:50 PM »
With great pleasure IAC informs you of start of new mentoring sessions, with Wackojack, on topic we all so much need! Hand Evaluation!!  :-*
This will be play & discuss session, using bbo voice, please plan attend. It will run every second Tuesday, grand opening is Feb 25th at 2000utc , 3pm NY, 9pm Paris.

Next session will be in different hour, because clock change awaits us, make sure you have your profile in IAC set correctly and double check start time of all events, do not miss all great lessons and trnys IAC prepared for you all  :)

BBO Matters / BBO InterCity League (ICL)
« on: February 11, 2020, 12:05:46 PM »
Hello IACers!
While running IAC trny our TD Ian received invite to join what seems to be fun event. We can not advertise for it on BBO, because we are limited to events in our club only. But nothing prevents our members join, and this sounds fun.  :)

Dear Friends,

The 33rd edition of BBO InterCity League (ICL) will start on Wednesday 4 March; it will being played each week and always on Wednesday, but 22nd and 29th Avril, and will end with the final which will be played on 3rd June.
ICL is the BBO international online Team Championship established in 2004 by the late Tonči Radelja, a Croatian professor of mathematics who loved the Bridge and used it as mean to become friends. So wrote Tonci several years ago: "Think of this as a night in your local club: be friendly and enjoy meeting old/new friends at the table".
The first edition was won by Beograd; the most rewarded team is Ascoli Piceno, eight times winner; the title holder is the Roumanian team of Buchurest Senior. In the past edition played forty-three teams from twenty-two countries.

The format is by round robin and knock-out stages. The teams are divided in groups; the best ones of each group (16 to 24 overall, depending on the number of participants), will forward to the knock-out stage.

There are no limits to the number of players: each captain can line up as many players as he likes, but players that haven’t played round robins shouldn't be employed in the knock-out stage, unless the team couldn't complete the foursome. The mandatory playing time is on Wednesday at 20:45-21:00 pm CET (GMT +1), unless both captains agree for different time or day; but displacements only should be done exceptionally.

In the round robin the matches will be by sixteen boards. In the final stage the matches will be by twenty-four. The default is barometer off, undo on (but concede it only for true misclick; the distraction is a technical mistake which has to be paid for), and silent kibitzers; the barometer can be on by captains agreement.

System policy. In general, whatever system we're playing, it must not be forgotten that the first requisite of a bidding system isn't to get better contracts, but to make itself clear to opponents by concise and accurate alerts and plain Convention Card. If a system does fail to do this, it's sure a wrong one, and no tourney in the World can allow it. In particular, aren’t allowed systems which require that opponents have to study them earlier, as High Unusual Methods (HUM) and Brown sticker. Also are forbidden systems with conventional one level openings by less than 11 HCPs or natural level one openings by less than 8.

For the registration it suffices that you send me:
- The name of the team that you're setting up (or trying to set up). It must be the name of a town, no matter how small; nay, the smaller, the best.
- The name of the captain (BBO's and real name), and his email.
Please, read carefully the rules below, and don't esitate to further mail me for any question or doubt.
Aren't forbidden:
- Natural suit opening, that is 1C, 1D, 1H, 1S, in the range 8-10 HCPs by at least four cards in the named suit;
- Conventional Strong Club and its conventional responses and rebidding;
- 8-10 1NT opening (so called mini 1NT), with balanced hand;
- Psychics;
- Multicolor and other conventional two level openings.

About alert. Recommended reading:

Against Multicolor, Neapolitan Club suggests the "Difesa Cento Torri" (One Hundred Tower Defence):

About signalling. Suggested reading:

For any question contact Turbin or Willemm (BBO nicknames of Paolo Enrico Garrisi and Willem Mevius), or write to Garrisi at

ICL Official Site (managed by Willem Mevius):

Looking forward to your registration.
Paolo Enrico Garrisi


Sleight of Hand / Neat hand
« on: January 22, 2020, 09:39:02 PM »
Shawn saw this hand played in IAC and mailed me as a very neat one :) I ofc would never make it, but surely our IAC musketeers and other that participate here would have ideas!

KJ95732                         Q
6                                   94
AQ4                               KT953
K4                                 QJ652


NS vulnerable, S opens and pass.
(P) 1S (4H) P
(P) 4S all pass
Lead hA

How you make your 4S as west?

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