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Topics - Curls77

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IAC Teaching Sessions / DARE TO DECLARE
« on: January 20, 2019, 02:51:16 PM »
Every teacher spends lots of time and patience to give us their free lessons. Least we ought to do is respect their gift and thank them by nice attendance. Angel Blue is making extra effort, and stays up late, only so the lesson could be followed by America's members.
From now on, unless we start Monday DARE TO DECLARE trny with 8+ tables, all event, ie both trny and review, will be cancelled. So please do join, do not prevent fellow members from excellent opportunity to improve their declarer play.

Last week, Jan 14 we played hands u can find attached to this post, and Arik's notes are at: .

IAC Teaching Sessions / DARE TO DECLARE restart
« on: November 04, 2018, 12:41:21 AM »
Pls do not miss new series of excellent lessons by Angel Blue teaching us different declarer's play techniques. Join the trny followed by lesson on Mondays, 1800 UTC, 1pm NY, 7pm Central Europe. Hope see you there :)

Biggest warm thanks to Angel Blue who carefully prepares hands for each today: visit and learn from Arik's website: (private lessons available).
Review squeeze lessons at: IAC YouTube Channel: 
And finally, replay Dare to Declare lessons in aaBridge, thanks to RogerPfi and GG_Bridge (free to DL at ), where you also can find series: "Roger on Squeezes"

Arik reviewed some practice session and tells you this: It seems to me that many (most?) of players missed some basic ideas of squeeze play. I can understand that, as this is, beyond any doubt, the most difficult part of declarer play.  I suggest they follow some essential rules and ideas:
1. Before playing for a squeeze, make sure it is the appropriate technique available.
2. Don't start before you recognize the threat cards. This will guide you towards the correct line of play.
3. Keep communication with both threat cards, especially with those that placed opposite the squeezing suit.
4. Remember the Vienna coup.
5. Watch the opponents' discards carefully.

IAC Teaching Sessions / Chick Sessions in IAC
« on: October 18, 2018, 09:30:26 AM »
Charlene (GG_Bridge) was so kind to record Chick's lessons in IAC. You can find them in IAC's YouTube channel, link is:

Thanks Chick, Babs and Charlene!  :)

On Tuesday, July 24th, IAC was privileged to assist to a lesson from Marc Smith, a winning bridge player, columnist, coach and writer of many bridge books. Mr Smith is an experienced teacher of students from beginner to very experienced partnerships, and a bidding theorist and a member of the expert bidding panel for numerous magazines worldwide.
Please see Notes of the lesson (file attached in this post) and feel free discuss hands in here.
If you'd like further information, check, or contact Marc for details on private lessons at

TY very much Marc and Ally!  :)

Sleight of Hand / Posting a hand
« on: April 15, 2018, 08:59:58 PM »
Your own hands played with robots you can post any time.
Please never post hands played by other people, and showing their name, unless you were given their authorization. However, you can use hands played by others, but replace names with NSEW. Thanks.

IAC Teaching Sessions / Special Squeeze lesson by Angel Blue
« on: December 18, 2017, 05:19:49 PM »
AngelBlue plans to hold a special lesson - Introduction to Squeezes.
Because Arik wants to be sure that all students fully understand, this lesson will be given to a small group, selected by Arik and IAC. Date and time yet to be determined (not before holidays tho).
We already have 25+ members that signed in during last Dare To Declare lesson. If you would like to assist, pls send private message to me, here or at BBO.
Please notice that this lesson is NOT intended for advanced members, only for ones that struggle or are not familiar at all with squeezes.
Tip: Prepare for class by reading Roger on Squeezes in aaBridge (free to DL at: ). In it you'll find all AngelBlue's previous lessons and of other teachers as well.

IAC Teaching Sessions / TY Mr Oliver Clarke!
« on: June 24, 2017, 11:44:19 PM »
(copied from OCP forums)

TY Oliver :) for this loooong course you've repeated so many times. For showing something we never saw before. For being the IAC's ground. For doing all that you do and be so altruistic. For.. geee.. for all u do!

HUGE TY!             !H

The IAC Café / Thank you Mr Oliver Clarke!
« on: June 24, 2017, 11:36:38 PM »
TY Oliver :) for this loooong course you've repeated so many times. For showing something we never saw before. For being the IAC's ground. For doing all that you do and be so altruistic. For.. geee.. for all u do!

HUGE TY!            !H

The IAC Café / An idea - Teams of 2
« on: June 20, 2017, 11:09:22 PM »
This was what we do back in spades while we simulated bridge duplicated.

So Teams of 2 require ONLY 2 tables. 3 rounds of 6 or 8 or whatever number of hands. In each round your pair will be teamed with different pair. Each pair gets raw sum of boards played and the one with most total points makes a winner.
Do you think this could pick up within IAC?
I can set it as trny limited to 8 people or 3 team matches (pre-registered) - and still need to check if TD can deal  to team matches or needs 2 teaching tables - but its doable one way or another.

Monster points given in those events could increase interest.

The IAC Café / IAC where are you?
« on: April 13, 2017, 09:07:27 PM »
This forum has been up 10 days already and we have right now 18 (eighteen!!) members.

2 or so weeks ago some unknown BBO bug deleted 90% of 3200+ members IAC had at that moment. Since then Onoway lost her fingers typing names to re-admit them to the club as players one by one cried they lost access to IAC. In no time we are over 800.

*** But where are these 800 people?  ***
* Lessons currently running at IAC hardly have 30+ members assisting to them.
* We just had to cancel trnys in weekdays as attendance fell as low as 1 (one) pardship registered.
* (Almost) none ever plays in IAC unless Yleexotee uses his biceps and fills a table or 2.

When BBO announced death of old windows client, some of us yelled, begged, threatend, insulted, whined, scratched walls with nails, so BBO will find a way to keep clubs alive, which was not at all what they really wanted. But they eventually let us be and are currently devising new version which will allow clubs function within some web client. I now wonder why we did it, as it seems none but few participate in anything, and all the rest want only yet another  club membership card in vallet?

So, please, us 18 that are here, talk to friends, ask them to join this forum and express what they'd wish IAC to be, what would you would like to happen, offer to help if you can. Many people invest good load of their time for the benefit of us all, as making beautiful new IAC site, this forum, lessons we get for free, organizing it all, etc.. - so please let's not take any of those as granted.

Participate, and invite friends to do same.

BBO Matters / web version of BBO
« on: April 08, 2017, 06:19:00 PM »
For those of you that were just recently pushed from old BBO windows client to its web version, we made little "How to" at

Hopefully tips there will help you thorough the transition from old windows client into web version of BBO, so you can keep playing your favorite game and chat with your friends.
Learn how to find IAC room and trny, how to set team match, save hands from bidding table, listen to the teachers that use voice, etc etc.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

There is separate site with tips related only to tournament tool at web BBO.

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