Chew the Fat! > Sleight of Hand

How to respond to 1NT open with a strong hand and 5/5 in majors?


 Hi all,

I was a reposnder to 1NT opener. This was my hand and I transfered first to  !S then bid 3 !H. Is this the correct way to show this hand?

  !S AQ986
  !H AT632
  !D J2
  !C A

What do I do with 5 !S/4 !H? Or 5 !H/4 !S?

Thank for your replies,

Yes, transfer to spades then bidding hearts at the lowest level is traditionally used for 5-5 majors and GF. Transfer to hearts then bidding two spades is 5-5 invite. Some people will play variations of this, but I would consider this to be fairly standard.

With 45 or 54 bid Stayman then Smolen (if necessary).

Thank you Todd.


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