Chew the Fat! > Sleight of Hand

How to get to slam?


My partner and I were practicing bidding sitting in the South and North seats. East passed as the dealer then South opened  1- !H, West passed and North bid  1- !S.
How would you continue to get to slam? 6NT or  maybe 6- !H?

South hand:

North hand:

Thanks for your advice, Vered

The auction started off poorly.

Over 1 !H, with a four-card spade suit AND a game-force hand, begin with a game-force response of 2-of-a-minor. This makes for a much more comfortable auction.

Imagine, for example, that responder has a five-card spade suit and wishes to inquire about a possible fit. The auction begins with 1 !H – 1 !S – 2 !D – now what? To force to game and inquire about a fit, responder must either bid it or trot out a 4th suit forcing call of 3 !C (artificial). Yuk!

Keep in mind that bypassing 1 !S after a 1 !H open DOES NOT deny a four card spade suit if responder has GF values.

With the hand as shown, my auction could go a couple of ways:

1 !H – 2 !C – 2 !D – 2 !S – 2NT – 3NT – 4NT – 6NT

Where 2 !C establishes the GF
2 !D shows four or more diamonds
2 !S shows four spades which is still in play as a strain. It also denies three hearts.
2NT patterns out showing either 3=5=4=1 or 2=5=4=2. Also, usually, 12-14 HCP.
3NT to play.
4NT invitational to 6NT showing (17)18-19.
6NT accepts with 15 HCP.

or . . .

1 !H – 2 !C – 2 !D – 3NT - 6NT

Where 2 !C establishes the GF
2 !D shows four or more diamonds
3NT denies three hearts, denies four diamonds, and because of the jump shows "extras." Most people play in the range of 15-17. NO FAST ARRIVAL IN NOTRUMP!
6NT accepts with 17 HCP and a five card suit

I'm not nearly as fond of this auction due to the jump. That !H AQ could be huge for a possible fit and partner has not yet denied having six of them.

Other auctions are possible. The key takeaway is to bypass 1 !S with GF values and only four spades when partner opens 1 !H to establish the GF.

Thanks, Todd.  Yes, the key is to game force immediately, not respond 1spade with 4 of them.  There is still some deep thought and interesting choices needed for the continuations, but that immediate 2C is the critical issue.

Thanks Todd for this advice of first making a GF bid then exploring.


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