Author Topic: Crazy slams  (Read 2248 times)


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Crazy slams
« on: January 18, 2020, 02:20:50 PM »
I sometimes amuse myself with "what ifs".  Board 4 from yesterday's crazy slams is an example. Jim and i were playing and I was wary of bidding slam here. It makes, but it's not a laydown. First I give the hand as it was, then in a re-arranged version. The format I used for doctoring gives a link that needs to be copied and pasted, rather than just clicked on.

The hand as it was:||pn|S,jcreech,N,kenberg|md|2SQ986HJ76DJ7CT432,SK2HA842DA9CKQJ65,SJT3HKT3DT8543C87,SA754HQ95DKQ62CA9|sv|o|rh||ah|Board%204|mb|1C|mb|P|mb|1S|mb|P|mb|2H|mb|P|mb|3D|an|lack%20of%20anything%20better|mb|P|mb|3N|mb|P|mb|6N|mb|P|mb|P|mb|P|pc|D8|pc|D2|pc|DJ|pc|DA|pc|H2|pc|HT|pc|HQ|pc|H6|pc|CA|pc|C2|pc|C5|pc|C8|pc|C9|pc|C3|pc|CK|pc|C7|pc|CQ|pc|D4|pc|S4|pc|C4|pc|CJ|pc|S3|pc|S5|pc|CT|pc|C6|pc|SJ|pc|H9|pc|D7|pc|D9|pc|D3|pc|DK|pc|H7|pc|DQ|pc|S6|pc|H4|pc|D5|pc|H5|pc|HJ|pc|HA|pc|H3|

The hand as it might have been:||pn|S,jcreech,N,kenberg|md|2SQ986HKJ7DJ7CT432,SK2HA842DA9CKQJ65,SJT3HT63DT8543C87,SA754HQ95DKQ62CA9|sv|o|rh||ah|Board%204|mb|1C|mb|P|mb|1S|mb|P|mb|2H|mb|P|mb|3D|an|lack%20of%20anything%20better|mb|P|mb|3N|mb|P|mb|6N|mb|P|mb|P|mb|P|pc|

Notice that Gib says the slam can also be made in this re-arranged form. It's an interesting exercise, more than a bit double dummy I think, to see just how. Assume the opening lead is a small !D rather than the potentially helpful 8.   

This was a crazy slam session, so I bid the slam. But I was a bit worried as I raised to 6NT, the hands are not fitting all that well.

So as a lesson goes, I am not so sure the lesson should be that pair should bid the slam.

Also, while it is true that with the revised hand it is still possible to make 6, I can't imagine anyone would actually play the hand in the manner required to bring in 6 when the hearts have been rearranged. Maybe, as an act of desperation after the heart K takes the Q in the hypothetical , they bring it in if indeed the lead was the !D 8. After 8-2-J-A, leading the 9, letting it ride if not covered, or establishing the 6 if it goes 9-T-K-7,  brings in a miraculous make. These opening leads of second from the top with spots do not always work out.

Hands are seldom simple. 

Speaking of crazy, I close with a favorite from years back
« Last Edit: January 19, 2020, 08:27:24 PM by kenberg »