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Messages - jcreech

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IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2024 MAY MSC
« on: March 12, 2024, 03:32:16 PM »
Initial thoughts.

Problem A

Neither side vulnerable
You, South, hold:

♠ 6 4   ♥ A K 7 3   ♦ 10 9 7   ♣ A J 10 2

—   (1 ♠)   2 ♥   (Pass); 2 ♠   (3 ♦)   3 ♠   (4 ♦); ?   
What call do you make?

Pass  Partner forced us to game with the 3 !S bid, so I will show a willingness to move toward slam with a forcing pass.

Problem B

Both sides vulnerable
You, South, hold:

♠ A 9 3   ♥ A 2   ♦ A K 10 5 4   ♣ A 7 4

—   —   —   (1 ♥); Double   (2 ♥)   3 ♣   (Pass); ?   
What call do you make?

3 !H  Partner has some points and club length, so I will show my points, and hope we get to the right strain.

Problem C

North-South vulnerable
You, South, hold:

♠ A Q 8 7 6 5   ♥ K   ♦ K 5 2   ♣ A 8 3

—   —   Pass   (1 ♥); 1 ♠   (Pass)   1 NT   (2 ♥); ?   
What call do you make?

2 NT  I have the values for an invite after partner's 1NT, and help, albeit not for long, in the opponent's suit.  Seems right.

Problem D

North-South vulnerable
You, South, hold:

♠ K Q 10 8   ♥ K 9 7 5   ♦ Q 5   ♣ J 5 3

—   —   Pass   (Pass); ?      
What call do you make?

Pass  This is the type of hand I get into trouble with.  Clubs are my worst suit.  If it goes 1 !C - (? !D) - Dbl, invariably, we end up in the 4-3 major suit fit instead of the 4-4.  Better to back in with a minimum, balanced casino point hand.

Problem E

East-West vulnerable
You, South, hold:

♠ A 10 8 5 2   ♥ K 8 3   ♦ Q 10 8   ♣ Q 5

Pass   (Pass)   1 ♣   (2 ♦); ?         

What call do you make?

2 !S  I hope this will be regarded as constructive with a fifth spade.  Struggled with thoughts of 3 !S and 3 !D; ultimately, I thought both as using too much space - 3 !S virtually insisting on a spade contract, while 3 !D is more flexible regarding strain, but also cramps the space.  I can see this heading into NT, spades or clubs, but am not certain about the best way to get to the right strain.

Problem F

North-South vulnerable
You, South, hold:

♠ 2   ♥ A K Q 8 6   ♦ 7   ♣ A K J 10 6 2

—   —   —   (1 ♦); 2 NT*   (3 ♦)   Pass   (Pass); ?         
*BWS: hearts and clubs; any biddable strength

What call do you make?

4 !C  I hope this shows longer clubs than hearts, and a desire to be in game in whichever suit partner is willing to try.

Problem G

East-West vulnerable
You, South, hold:

♠ 5   ♥ A Q 6 4 2   ♦ 7 6 5 4   ♣ K J 10

—   —   2 ♦   (Pass); ?*         
*BWS: simple new-suit bid forcing; 4 ♣ = key-card-ask; three of a major asks about that suit

What call do you make?

5 !D  I am torn between throwing out a lead director in case we defend, and 5 !D hoping to place us in a contract with potential and trying to prevent the opponents from finding their spades.

Problem H

East-West vulnerable

♠ A 9 4 2   ♥ A 8 7 5   ♦ 8 4   ♣ 10 6 3

Pass   (3 ♦)   Pass   (4 ♥); Pass   (Pass)   Pass

What is your opening lead?

!S A I have the feeling we need to find our tricks quickly, or they may go away on diamonds once the heart ace is extracted.

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2024 APRIL MSC
« on: March 01, 2024, 05:21:59 PM »
This was a hard set for IAC.  The honor roll cutoff was 700, and only JCreech made the honor roll with 750.  Tied for second , and just missing the honor roll, was YleeXotee and Masse24 with 690.

BluBayou, CCR3, and DickHy also participated.

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2024 APRIL MSC
« on: March 01, 2024, 11:25:36 AM »
I will try to add something for my answers soon.

James Creech

Fredericksburg VA 22407

PROBLEM A: 3 Diamonds
PROBLEM D: 3 Notrump
PROBLEM E: 3 Hearts
PROBLEM F: 4 Notrump
PROBLEM H: Diamond 4

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2024 MARCH MSC
« on: February 01, 2024, 06:32:32 PM »
Well  done Todd!!  790 is just about as good as you can get. 

Also making the honor roll with a pair of 730's were Blu and WackoJack.

Congrats to all.

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2024 MARCH MSC
« on: February 01, 2024, 04:32:05 AM »
Final submission.

A. Pass.
B. Double.
C. 1 No trump.
D. 2 Hearts.
E. Pass.  A negative double  wasn't bad, but I  think a pass is better.  If partner doubles,  then I can choose to pass again for penalty.
F. 2 Clubs.
G. 2 Diamonds.
H. Heart 5.

One change, surprising me. Good luck to all.

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2024 MARCH MSC
« on: January 14, 2024, 05:21:53 PM »
Initial thoughts.   I hate this set because, while I have an Initial thought, very few are firm.

A.  Pass.  Every choice is dangerous.  Pass, the opponents may make the contract.   3 !D and 3 !S might be right if partner has five or the right four.  And I even thought of a cue bid to get partner to bid the longer suit, but that might get us too high.  The auction has no guarantee of a fit, so that is why I am changing a pass.

B.  Double.  No fit, though there might be one in diamonds.  Is the 5-level the right place to explore?  I have some potential fast tricks, but my big fear is my third opponent - does he really have a 3-level overcall or a preempt  that was turned into an overcall.

C.  1 NT.  No matter what, I am wrong with these hands.  At least this shows my shape and values, while my club stop is more than suspect.  I  feel I have too much to pass, and I have little faith that partner will help find the right strain if I bid 1 !H.

D.  2 !H I  checked. 3 !H is a full splinter, and a bit rich for my taste.  A simple cue is also a bit rich, but not by much and therefore, becomes my best description/least lie bid.  3 !H.  Is this a mixed raise for MSC?  I would like it better if it was also a mini-splinter.  It is almost good enough with the void for simple cue.

E.  Double.  I think the negative double show where my points are better than the reasonable 2 NT.  If I was playing with a partner who does not shy away from Moysian fits, I would be fearful of a spade bid on three - I would not wish a 3-3 fit on partner.

F. 2 !C.  As Jock pointed out, I misread the problem. I hate responding 2 !C with xxx, but with no 5-card suit I  either bid that or the hearts.  Clubs are frequently abused to create a game force at a low level, so will follow tradition.  1 NT.  I hate overcalling with stoppers and no tricks, but I have too much to pass unless playing with a partner who balances with shape, not points.   And I am too square to double with the wrong 4-card suit.

G.  2 !D.  Do I emphasize the hearts or diamonds?  Slam is a real possibility.  In hearts, I need partner to have 4(+) really good hearts in addition to the presumed good diamond fit.  In diamonds, what works for hearts also works for diamonds, plus if partner is short in hearts with 1st or 2nd round control, the diamond slam is still possible.  We might find our was to hearts, but the best way to get to a slam is to start with a forcing raise.

H.  !H 5.  Probably wrong, but I don't think I  am risking a trump trick that would not already be lost.  My other choices seem to be black aces, neither of which is enticing.  One thought I am playing with is two rounds of clubs, then when in with the  trump king, underlead the spade ace for a club ruff.

Don't count on more than one or two choices being retained on submission, but these are my early selections for what it is worth.

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2024 MARCH MSC
« on: January 08, 2024, 12:54:29 PM »
What is happening here?

Last month we saw Blu's first post disappear late in the month.   Now Dick's post, this month. I  value their thinking on these problems, even when they are preliminary and will  change with more complete thought.

If it is a system glitch,  I hope it gets fixed.  If Dick deleted, I wish he had just edited to remove the embarrassment and refresh with better thoughts.

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2024 FEBRUARY MSC
« on: January 01, 2024, 01:49:25 PM »
Final submission
PROBLEM B: 1 Notrump
PROBLEM C: 2 Hearts
PROBLEM D: 2 Notrump
PROBLEM E: 2 Diamonds.  My style is generally to overcall with five or more, then double later.  No good reason to change from that style.
PROBLEM F: 4 Hearts
PROBLEM G: Redouble.  I still like splintering, but is 3 !D or 4 !D the splinter.  I'm not selling out short of 5 !C, so I will show extra strength with redouble, which also is the cheapest game, and await developments.
PROBLEM H: Heart Queen

Changes to initial guesses are indicated with reasoning.  HNY all.

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2024 FEBRUARY MSC
« on: December 29, 2023, 05:04:39 AM »
Don't know,  but it wasn't me.  I may have partially disagreed, but would have respected your right to be wrong-headed.

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2024 FEBRUARY MSC
« on: December 11, 2023, 04:33:11 PM »
So many things were happening last month, I missed the deadline. My guess of what I might have done was very good, but I have second guessed myself out of good decisions before.

Here are my initial thoughts for this month.

A.  Pass.  Partner has pre-empted a sensible auction to a grand, so I will sell out to his choice. I get the post-mortem point here.

B.  1NT. I will take the charge if the downgrade costs us. I also hate doubling with AQ-tight in spades. I haven't checked but I suspect KnR will not rate this as a full 15.  (KnR  = 14.65)

C.  2 !H. I wanted to make a responsive double but RHO did not cooperate.  The cue will tell partner I have strength and I hope Jx will suffice for fit.

D.  2NT.  I hate this bid, but I have to treat this hand as balanced and it's red at IMPs, so I  need to try for game.

E. Double.  What else?  I have length in the unbids, opening values, and four in the other major. I could overcall my five-bagger, but emphasis on the major is important.

F.  4 !H.  Torn between game and  slam.  Partner's negative double should put us in or close to slam,  but do I really have my full values? I think not, so I will take the low road and bid the heart game rather than cue and possibly lose the ability to show the suit at a makeable level.

G.  4 !D.  Splinter. Hopefully, partner will know what to do with a heart  void and club ace.

H.  !H Q.  The safest lead. A diamond might strike gold, but I just want the contract to go down, and anything else gives the contract a chance, albeit small.  I truly believe that declarer is looking at long spades and, at worst, one outside loser (with the hope of a pseudo squeeze).  I want to avoid a miracle result.

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2023 December MSC
« on: October 28, 2023, 02:57:16 PM »
Initial thoughts:

A.  3 !D  I go with the hint.  3NT gives up on the slam too easily. 2 !S would be my bid with regular partners,  similar to Dick.

B.  3 !H  I don't like 3 NT with Ax in clubs - let partner bid the NT if possible.  Also starts control bidding if partner is inclined to cooperate.

C.  2 !S  I thought about 2 !D, but the match points made me do it.

D.  1 NT  I wanted to bid 1 !C to maximize chance of finding major fit, but not an option.  AKQ9  looks like five, but not enough small cards for ruffing if a Moysian.  J109xx has reversing as the problem with only 15.  4-5-2-2 can be an ugly NT, but I think the least lie.

E.  2 NT  With a stiff in partner's suit and 10 HCPs, I feel like I can only show my stop or suggest only four hearts.  I think the NT game is more likely.  I certainly do not have the values for 3 !H.

F.  2 !D  With 9 HCPs and RHO showing spades, I'm not inclined to show J10xx.  2 !D shows my suit and my values, so I am taking the hint.

G.  4 !C   Goldilocks time!  Despite the hint,3 !C seems too low; too easy for the opponents to enter safely.  On the other hand, 5! C felt too risky and high.  I don't think they can find the right game at the four-level easily, and they have few enough trump to feel confident about doubling, so I think this should be just right.

H.  !D 8  This is the blind lead from hell.  LHO could have the minors or could a shapeless 4 by 3s.  No telling from this auction.  I chose to go with slightly deceptive, yet completely honest 4th best lead.  Slightly deceptive because the 8 doesn't look low.  To me, this is the least of the evils and could hit paydirt.  It may not be the safest lead, but tell me, what is?

No changes for final submission.

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2023 NOVEMBER MSC
« on: October 06, 2023, 01:43:39 AM »
On "C," are you suggesting that 3 !C is a game-force?
I do agree that 3 !C is most flexible, but believe it to be only a game-try.

Ok, I mistyped.  It is a forcing bid, only one-round, but it forces partner to bid something.  I think that many of the panel making the bid will talk of exploring slam, and that this is the best way to get more information.  I doubt that any are thinking of 3 !C as a game-try.  They have the hint of 3 !S is invitational available.  I also felt that 3 !D and 3 !H were also game tries, so I made the presumption that with so many game tries available, 3 !C should be elevated to a game force - silly me.

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2023 NOVEMBER MSC
« on: October 03, 2023, 12:41:03 PM »
REALLY ticked off  that the punt of 1 Spade didn't win  problem B  ,  or that i didn't stay with the field's choice of  2D or 1NT  to win the iac contest..  but at least the right rebid did manage a 50  garnering an honorable mention.   Can't waat for the summary to quote the 2 panelist that did choose the 1 Spade rebid   
   We are not suprized that the bottom of the honor roll  took  720 on this largely no-brainer set!

Jock, I am not surprised that a bid that is counter to BWS did not win the problem, much less garner more support from the panelists.  If 1 !S were 4th suit forcing for one round, then I would be surprised, but when holding 9xx and promising a fourth spade, I would expect nearly every panelist to look elsewhere for a bid.  Nonetheless, panelists have not been reluctant to grouse about a favored bid not being available under the system notes; and that is where I would expect to see laments about not having 1 !S available.

Nothing especially shocking.
But I thought the second choice on the lead problem was weird. Underleading the !C K5? That would never cross my mind. Are we banking on partner to have, specifically, the !C Q?

Todd,  No one should be surprised that the unbid suit would be a popular choice.  And certainly, clubs were the second most chosen suit led.  Once you have decided that clubs is a weak point for declarer, how should you try to exploit that weakness.  I decided that the best way, was to sit with the king behind the hand that implied control, so I looked for a safe lead in another suit.  But bridge is a game of judgment, and other judged differently.  As the second most popular choice was to underlead the club king, it got the points.  I'm not sure it rated a 90, but I suspect the moderator did not want to score the 10/9 lower than 90, and reward the more popular club with the same score.  (The politics of MSC scoring.)

Speaking of the politics of scoring, my issue was with Problem C and the selection of 3 !C as the highest scoring choice.  Essentially, the choice was between a game, game force, or game try.  Being in game was the clear panel choice, so all game tries needed to be relegated to lower scores.  I can also see that a game force is more flexible, giving the partnership room to explore slam, while still ensuring game being bid, but it feels like the moderator is imposing his bias on the scoring.  The panel is composed of experts.  If they were not interested in exploring slam (or possibly an alternative game such as 3NT), then punishing the fast arrivals is wrong.

That doesn't mean I agree with all of the other choices picking up 100's, but at least in the case of the other, there was greater justification for the scoring.

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2023 NOVEMBER MSC
« on: October 02, 2023, 01:15:40 PM »
November Results

JCreech led the IAC solvers with 710. Masse24 came in second with 700. And a three-way tie for third (VeredK, BluBayou and YleeXotee) with 680.  All were within spitting distance of The Bridge World Honor Roll, which required a minimum of 720.

JCreech     710   
Masse24     700 
VeredK     680   
BluBayou     680   
YleeXotee     680   

Only six participants this month.

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2023 NOVEMBER MSC
« on: October 01, 2023, 02:19:54 AM »
James Creech
Fredericksburg VA 22407

PROBLEM A: 3 Clubs
PROBLEM B: 2 Diamonds
PROBLEM C: 3 Spades
PROBLEM D: 3 Notrump
PROBLEM E: 2 Diamonds
PROBLEM G: 3 Clubs  The only change.  I hate manufactured reverses and jump shifts, but it is easier to understand the jump shift on three cards, than the 2 NT on a stiff in partner's suit.  Rebids of 1 NT and 2 NT are allowed with singletons in BWS, but the sixth diamond speaks for a suit contract when the suit is not solid.
PROBLEM H: Diamond Jack

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