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Messages - yleexotee

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IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2022 August MSC
« on: July 01, 2022, 03:56:22 AM »
PROBLEM A: 4 Spades
PROBLEM B: 4 Clubs
PROBLEM C: 4 Hearts
PROBLEM D: 2 Hearts
PROBLEM E: 4 Diamonds
PROBLEM F: 6 Spades
PROBLEM H: Diamond 9

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2022 JULY MSC
« on: May 31, 2022, 12:39:13 AM »
PROBLEM A: 4 Spades
PROBLEM B: 3 Notrump
PROBLEM C: 3 Spades
PROBLEM D: 6 Spades
PROBLEM E: 1 Notrump
PROBLEM G: 4 Notrump
PROBLEM H: Spade Jack

This month is a total crap shoot for me.

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2022 JULY MSC
« on: May 26, 2022, 03:40:01 AM »
I think I'm heading for an all time low score on this set. Here are my choices so far:

A: 4C - because whenever I don't take a 4m, I get punished by MSC. The problem with this bid is I would play it as forcing but others might not. if its not in BWS as forcing then I have to find the 4S Hoki mentioned. could not be less sure of this bid.
B:  5D - blast to 5D. I don't think the hand is good enough for slam exploration.
C: 3S - showing my spade stops, but not wanting to take 3nt from the strong hand. I don't think having Qxx its going to matter whether the lead in NT goes up to me, or through me. if p doesn't have half a stop we are in trouble either way.
D: 4S - But this seems weak and I'm considering a blast to 6S. Pard has no hearts, and I have no clubs, with no losers in diamonds. How bad can pards spades be!? I think I've talked myself in to 6S
E: 1nt - but shouldn't we always take the hint?  I think I'm showing a limit raise in spades. support with support.
F: Pass - hate this one too. always seem to get punished for my passes, but with strong bid to my left and pard is bidding weak. this just sounds like trouble to get involved in some way. Isn't strong opener basically holding all the same cards I am?
G: 4D - but his might not be necessary, maybe its straight to 4nt for a club slam.
H: JS - I really preach leading through the major of responder on this kind of set up. It's their second suit and NT bidder is relying on that spade stop. lets knock it out as soon as possible.

Almost all of these could change. I'm really unsure of many of them.

The IAC Café / Re: IAC vs ACOL - Challenge #3 Sunday May 1st
« on: May 04, 2022, 02:39:14 AM »
Finally, note that on the ACOL team, they had the same dilemma of a take out X and a heart bid, and they decided on a jump to 3nt. They lost the spades fit, but its a reasonable bid, however it goes down at least 1 (2 on our table)

The IAC Café / Re: IAC vs ACOL - Challenge #3 Sunday May 1st
« on: May 04, 2022, 02:34:24 AM »
What happens if we bid diamonds first?

1C- (X) - 1D - (2H)
Difficult situation now for opener. In this scenario, original openers 1S is looking a lot better than before!
2S is looking like a reverse, so that is out
3C? probably shows 6 and a stronger hand
3D - this looks reasonable
3H - cue bid raise, is probably too strong for this hand, but I could be convinced of it because the void is so helpful.

3H - p -??

extra stuff in hand, and south knows they have GF values. 3S might not be out of the question, hoping it doesn't look like cue bid in diamonds. new suit here is forcing.

now p can find the hidden spade fit!!  4 !S and Voila!  I'm probably dreaming about how this would go.  :)

1C- (X) - 1D - (2H)
3H - p - 3S - p
4S p p p

The IAC Café / Re: IAC vs ACOL - Challenge #3 Sunday May 1st
« on: May 04, 2022, 02:24:17 AM »
The bidding might go:
1C -(surely X)- 1S(!)  (not up the line even though its a GF hand. 1S takes up the responding space for ops, and I'm worried we might lose the spades if I start 1D [see the other table]!)
Now, if West can bid with this weak hand and 6 hearts without getting too high, then they will. 2H might be ops overcall - but how does p interpret this, points or no?)
North will bid 3H, cue bid, showing a good spade raise. (I don't count on east bidding 4h assuming they know the jump is weak)
South might be tempted here, but its a flatish hand and the spades are crummy. but lets say they want to check and they don't have non-serious 3nt to use and they bid 4C instead.
At this point, north has no diamond stopped and it looks like that is guaranteed to be in East's hand. I think North bails in 4S (but I could be convinced that 4H might be in order showing hearts controlled but no diamonds control - we can argue whether that should be done and Todd can tell us about Last Train issues, etc).

so 1C-(X)- 1S - (2H)
     3H- p - 4C - p
      4S.  p p p
This is the PAR contract, making 10 tricks.

The IAC Café / Re: IAC vs ACOL - Challenge #3 Sunday May 1st
« on: May 04, 2022, 02:01:55 AM »
Sanya has asked that I take a look at some hands. Let's try hand #1
In our match, neither team got to PAR (the optimal contract - seeing all hands) and thus both teams went down in the wrong contract.   HOWEVER, ACOL got a +14 IMP score when our side overshot. Lets see what happened:

North Hand       South Hand
KQ95                10764
-                       A72
8753                 AKJ4
AQ1064             K7

With our table playing the hands:
  • North has 11 HCP, and a void in Hearts. I believe many would open this a fairly standard 1 !C. However, our north, presumably thinking about the rebid, decided to open an unorthodox 1 !S and they were off to the races!
            (Speaking of the rebid, I think there are plenty of options after 1 !C- If p bids 1 !D, then 1 !S will follow and the same with a 1 !H response. If p bids 1nt, then pass will follow)
  • South has a great hand opposite a 1 !S open and has the obvious Jacoby 2nt. (showing 4 card support and game forcing)
  • North bids the customary continuation with 3h showing shortness
  • And now things get interesting as the ops jump in with a lead directing X over 3H
  • South is looking at all suits stopped, with no losers in Hearts, the top two Diamonds, and what could be only 1 loser in clubs, so they cue 4C with a little extra in their hand. I believe this is a fair bid with what has been shown so far. 
  • But ACOL refuses to go quietly into the night, and W bids 4 !H to show partner that they have a long fit.
  • North, having opened on a few less HCP, with a shape misleading 1 !S, and a hand full of diamond losers should probably decide to call it a day with 4 !S. BUT, what fun is that, and partner is encouraging. So, they bid 5C showing the Ace.
  • East is still trying to buy the hand and bids 5 !H
  • South, now "knowing" that they have a 9 card fit, no heart or club losers, and at least the top 2 diamonds, bids 6 !S. I believe this is a reasonable conclusion.
  • East doesn't believe a word of it and adventurously doubles that 6 !S with every remaining point in their hand. (I should say that I disagree with the double. P has nothing but long hearts which helps nothing in defense. It appears the ops have top clubs covered so singleton lead does not help. not having the ace of hearts, and ops not afraid of hearts, that looks like a dead end. If the spade honors are split between the ops hands, and you having given away that you hold all the spades, I think you could be looking at nothing more than your Ace of trumps as a trick)
  • Unfortunately, the contract can't be made and is down 2 on the lead of King of  !H, and, perhaps not thinking through the full implications of the bidding, declarer actually goes down 5 for 1100! giving ACOL a huge bump of 14 IMPs to start. (even though ACOL went down 2 in 3NT on the other side). So the swing here is probably a cool 25 IMP (should be 520 to IAC). 

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2022 June MSC
« on: May 01, 2022, 04:57:52 AM »
I think I missed the deadline!? dang it  Q#$%#$%

PROBLEM A: 1 Heart
PROBLEM C: 3 Clubs
PROBLEM D: 2 Notrump
PROBLEM G: 4 Diamonds

The IAC Café / Re: IAC vs ACOL - Challenge #3 Sunday May 1st
« on: April 27, 2022, 09:20:28 PM »
I can be the 4th, but I'm going to be hard pressed to get there exactly at 12. I might be playing from my car for the first hand or two.

I may not have read closely enough above, but I think a near standard is for XX to be "We have problems partner! rescue us". He bids any 5 card suit, or his lowest 4 card suit and you stay there, with hopes of at least a 4-3 fit in something. There may be an alternative where rescuer just bids clubs and its up to XXer to stay put in clubs or bid diamonds (I think this is only over 1h or 1s original open)

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2022 June MSC
« on: April 26, 2022, 11:23:17 PM »
Current thoughts:
A -  1H: the alternatives don't seem appealing to me. 1nt with no spades, ouch, but only other thing I can think of. Pass - in balancing seat?? never.
B  - X: I'm assuming that is choose your major partner.
C - (Game Try): Whatever the BWS game try system is, I'm using it here. if its 2S showing unspecified singleton, then yes, if its 3c showing needing help in that suit, then yes. This is marginal though, so I might need to think about what p could have to get us home. maybe AH and spade trick to throw off the diamond loser, and then if they can save us a club loser, Voila!a lot to ask for 2h, though.
D - 2nt: Seems reasonable to me
E - (Transfer to Diamonds) - Whatever the trans is in diamonds, I am using it. If there is some version of super accept, might even try for game. but I'm crazy like that.
F - X
G - I'm confused about the note/hint. It makes it sound like 2h is NOT a reverse. Can anyone clarify?  I'm leaning toward 3c, but 4D is a strong possibility since I'm always wrong when I don't choose the 4m. I just don't want to pass 3nt if I can help it, however.
H - 3C  I'll take the standard score here.

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2022 MAY MSC
« on: April 01, 2022, 02:48:28 AM »
Just in time:

PROBLEM A: 4 Clubs - I was tempted to try 4D also, but having already showed my 3 diamonds, this is better.
PROBLEM B: Pass - waiting for developments here - pard isn't going to let them play at 1h, and I can X 2h later if I need to beg partner to do something.
PROBLEM C: 1 Notrump - This was very difficult for me. I wanted to pass, but that is just too passive with this hand and I thought the panel might kill that bid, X was good and maybe the best, but in the end I decided to try 1nt because somebody has said that any 4 cards is a stopper. The problem is, with no heart bid, I would be bidding 2nt! so I have no clue what this will score.
PROBLEM D: 3 Hearts - I'm trusting that this is within system, and the 1nt then 3h bid isn't better.
PROBLEM E: Double - maybe putting too much pressure on Pard, but it seems right to say I have some points, and not much preference. (this will surely land me in 4 clubs!?)
PROBLEM F: 3 Clubs - The bad pard about this is it is the second hint that I am not taking, but surely 3clubs is a better description than 2nt.
PROBLEM G: 6 Spades - I don't like to jump to these contracts, but just don't see how the bidding is going to proceed. P is guaranteeing probably the King of clubs, or perhaps Ace of diamonds
PROBLEM H: Spade 3 - I'm leading through the second suit of the NT bidders partner. often the NT bidder is relying on that second bid major to be stopped by p, and its already not their best suit (most of the time).

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2022 April MSC
« on: February 28, 2022, 08:33:11 PM »
I had 10 minutes before class and jumped on this at the last minute.

PROBLEM A: 3 Notrump - taking the hint, though I wanted 4s at first.
PROBLEM B: 3 Hearts - giving the 5 card major
PROBLEM C: 1 Spade - hate this, but I don't want to overshoot it with 2D, which can be misunderstood
PROBLEM D: Double - 3nt was considered
PROBLEM E: Pass - against my nature to pass, but 3s is too much
PROBLEM F: 3 Diamonds - taking the hint
PROBLEM G: 2 Spades - MP convinced me not to bid 2D
PROBLEM H: Club 7 - standard which  means this is a 50 for score .

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2022 March MSC
« on: January 31, 2022, 08:33:39 PM »

PROBLEM A: 5 Clubs
PROBLEM B: 4 Hearts
PROBLEM C: 2 Spades
PROBLEM F: 3 Clubs
PROBLEM G: 4 Hearts

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2022 March MSC
« on: January 25, 2022, 04:48:11 AM »
Here is my first run at these:
A - 5C  pard's X at the 3 level surely shows a bit more than minimum, 4C would be promising zero, so I'm taking my shot.
B- 4H same as A, finding game with 10 points. These aren't always going to make but I'll take my chances over the ops preempts these days
C - 2S Presumabely, this is a good heart raise. MSC has not been kind to these kinds of bids, but its what I would do in real life to see if we have slam or something.
D - I actually wrote down Pass  ??
E - and then it happened again  Pass ??
F - 2nt or 3C, really not sure on this one, but leaning toward the 2nt
G - 3H seems like a normal bid, since they are telling us that is a transfer. so....must be wrong. 4h?
H - was thinking A of C first, but then also wrote 10 of D

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