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Messages - infidel

Pages: [1]
BBO Matters / Re: BBO versions
« on: January 21, 2021, 03:53:04 AM »
I am devastated: I have held on to the old version 1, clawing, kicking and screaming every step of the way, but the evil day finally arrived. I have not been playing, except with bots on the "just play bridge" thing, since the clubs have essentially ceased to exist (or at least, ceased to be accessible). I really don't know if I'm going to be able to make myself dig in and try to accept what I think is a vastly inferior product. If you see me groping around in IAC or WP, be kind: I'm a reluctant newbie on the current system

Sleight of Hand / Re: Recession
« on: April 09, 2019, 06:17:30 PM »
this would be SO easy if I had a 4th spade (or if I somehow knew partner didn't...)  The problem with the immediate cue is that, if I bid 3N next, P will assume I'm denying a H stop (not to mention showing a spade suit). I think I could deal with one false assumption, but both is a bit too far. My "least lie" may be to bid 2N, THEN cue the hearts over P's 3c...then run from spades until partner gives up? A really bad hand for partnership trust; maybe the straight 6N/hope for a squeeze is the most reasonable approach after all.

Sleight of Hand / Re: reflections on some jcreech hands of yesterday.
« on: April 09, 2019, 05:57:02 PM »
I believe the bots play minor-suit Stayman, so 2N is a straight transfer to clubs. That said, the GF 3d was an overstatement, to say the least. However, I do think the bot blew the hand at trick one: If he runs the lead to the AS, then plays 2 rounds of clubs, he has 2 board entries in spades to set up and utilize the club tricks.

I sorta like mSS, but it does leave a hole where the invitational sequence belongs. It seems to me the hand is worth an invite, which I'd show via 2c-any-2N;  same sequence if playing 4-suit transfers

The IAC Café / Re: Leb over a weak 2.
« on: March 17, 2019, 11:07:52 PM » copy of the Anderson book is in Texas, and I'm in Idaho for the forseeable future, but I remember being really irate at that statement; don't believe I'd mis-remember it. Maybe I have an older version, and he changed his mind on reflection? In any case, I certainly agree with you that 2S SHOULD be the signoff bid. If I ever get back home I'll look it up.  If I'm wrong I owe Anderson a profound apology: I have ranted about that inconsistency to anyone who would listen for many years.

The IAC Café / Re: The dreadful... GERBER
« on: March 17, 2019, 10:50:49 PM »
The sequence that always seems to give me a problem with a new partner: 1N-(M transfer)- (transfer completed)-4NT. As I learned BW and Gerber, back before the Earth had completely cooled, that is a quantitative slam try, with a postscript that responder has a 5-card Major; 4c, instead of 4N, would be Gerber. Whether asking for aces or keycards, 1430 or 0314 is another question, but every "standard" treatment I've seen recognizes 4N there as a quantitative slam try. Some use a shorthand of "first or last bid was NT," but that isn't quite accurate, either, since 4c over a natural 3N wouldn't normally be Gerber...again, whether it's a suit or a cue is a matter for further discussion.

I fail to understand the number of good players who insist they "don't play Gerber." Even if limited to direct bids over natural 1N or 2N calls (or rebids), it seems very useful to preserve 4N for a natural raise, and to keep the bidding a bit lower. The prejudice against it, I suspect, is related to the number of times their partners forget that 4d shows 0, rather than one ace...(i.e., they forget a step in the ladder; 0314 vs 1430 is another issue altogether).

I've even run into a few players for whom 4c is Gerber, regardless of suit agreement or bidding sequences: 1c-4c, for example. I can't recommend this, other than its undeniable consistency...

The IAC Café / Re: Leb over a weak 2.
« on: March 02, 2019, 09:02:51 PM »
This issue is apparently controversial: Anderson's Lebensohl book uses the relay, followed by 3S, as the signoff. He says the direct 2S is forcing, and explicitly states that you "can't get out in 2S." This strikes me as pretty silly: I prefer to use responses analogous to those used after a natural 2H overcall of our 1N: 2S is a signoff, 2N, followed by 3S, is invitational, and a direct 3S is GF. Very logical, IMHO, but the Anderson book means we have to discuss this specific auction when agreeing to play Leb. <sigh>

IAC Matters / Re: Why I Want to Be a Member of IAC
« on: November 24, 2018, 01:49:10 AM »
thanks for the response and reassurance, Sanya. My paranoia has some not-too-unreasonable roots, and I appreciate you allaying my concern.

IAC Matters / Re: Why I Want to Be a Member of IAC
« on: November 20, 2018, 07:05:32 PM »
Yet again, I got an automated text threatening to remove "inactive" members from the rolls of IAC. As one who lurks, usually invisibly (stalker problem), I'm concerned that my non-participation in tourneys and team matches will be taken as a lack of interest, leading to my removal. I'm not quite sure what steps I can take, other than giving up and playing in the team matches, that will allay the suspicions/accusations that I don't belong here.  Suggestions welcome.

Sleight of Hand / Re: An issue with fourth suit forcing
« on: October 22, 2017, 11:07:55 PM »
there was another solution suggested in a Max Hardy/Jerome Bruno: To keep nmf in place, they advocated "funny jumps" to 3m for the signoff hand. Like many conventional approaches, that solves the problem it was designed for, but causes some other problems. Not sure which cure has more side effects.

Sleight of Hand / Re: An issue with fourth suit forcing
« on: October 21, 2017, 11:51:11 PM »
I was converted to Walsh in one easy lesson: Chapter 1 of Bergen's first book, Better Bidding with Bergen, Vol. 1.. He makes the case far better than I would ever claim to. A cursory glance at Walsh always seems to raise the specter of missing a 4-4 Major fit; it simply can't happen. When responder has the 4441 hand you mentioned, he still bypasses the diamonds to bid Hearts; but opener no longer has the luxury of ignoring a 4-card Spade suit. Both partners need to keep that in mind, and that 1c-1d-1H-1S has some "interesting" problems attendant: Is 1S a real suit? is it 4sf? does it deny a balanced hand? etc., etc. It's a rare hand that finds the 4-4 S fit after 1c-1d, but the sequence MUST show a GF responder hand, since he did not bypass the diamonds in round one. Since we set up the GF at the ONE-level, there's room to fool around to determine if the suit is genuine or my favorite partnership, responder simply rebids his 4-card suit to confirm it really had 4 cards; any other bid shows a GF hand without 4 spades...simple but workable. The huge problem that we avoid is the weak hand with a 4-card Major and a long, weak d suit. Bidding the Major first, then running to 2d from 1N pretty much promises that sort of hand.

Sleight of Hand / Re: Yesterday, an example
« on: May 24, 2017, 09:04:11 PM »
that's what I played until VERY recently: a partner finally convinced me that light opening in 4th, WITH SPADES, is a good idea; so if the opening may be "one of those," then Drury makes sense.

Sleight of Hand / Re: Yesterday, an example
« on: May 24, 2017, 05:09:12 PM »
ran afoul of the posting software on this one: I had a reply typed out, hit "post," and was "warned" there was another response posted while I was typing, and suggesting that I take a look before posting. I did so, then tried to return to what I had, and it appears to have vanished into the ether, so trying to reconstruct the previous "brilliance."  ;D

On Ken's first hand, I have a pet theory regarding Drury: I play in after any 1M in third position, but only after 1S in fourth (therefore don't shade 1H openers in 4th seat).  The rationale is that opening in 4th seat carries the risk of competing against the passout; and without the spade suit, opening is likely to awaken sleeping spades in somebody's hand. We then have the common problem of choosing to let the opponents play in 2S, losing to the passout if it doesn't make, or taking the push to 3H, losing to the passout if THAT doesn't make. I don't open the sort of trash in 4th that I do in third, even with the spade suit, but will cheat down a couple of points if I have a reasonable spade suit.

IAC Matters / Re: Why I Want to Be a Member of IAC
« on: May 14, 2017, 07:00:30 PM »
In a vacuum, I agree...I'm the guy who nearly got kicked out of an NABC for trying to play a universal transfer system with a pet partner; who constantly rails against certain tourney hosts who post things like "no Multi" and "no psyches" in the tourney rules; and enjoys pushing the envelope of whatever rules get imposed by the PTB.  I just have a "thing" about big club systems. FWIW, I would welcome EEHA, forcing pass systems, the Little Major, Paleo-goren, or whatever...but only when I have a chance to discuss defenses against them with partner. When big clubbers land in the middle of a tourney, or even a casual game, when we mostly play with pickup partners, groping with counters is impossible. Of course, that applies to any regular partnership, especially those who have a full convention card. With a couple of pet partners, I greatly enjoy playing against big club systems; but not when we have to freelance against it. Too often (IMHO), the gains of playing  a big club are entirely the result of opponents who pass in a daze because they don't understand how to make things work against it

As to the insular nature of an all-2/1 club, yeah, I guess...I believe the intent, originally, was at least partially to provide a place for players making the transition from sayc to 2/1, and playing against the same system doubles the learning opportunities. I fully recognize that is no longer a goal of the club

IAC Matters / Re: Why I Want to Be a Member of IAC
« on: May 14, 2017, 03:21:35 PM »
I guess that's enough responses that I don't have to feel like I'm the only one paying any attention, so...

I was one of the first few members of what was originally the 2/1 club, in the dear old days of ChinaMike, DocHelm, ChasP and others...the intent was to screen out beginners and Goren players, so we could find a game with relatively high standard, with a definite emphasis on 2/1. I objected to the name change, especially since there was already an "IAC" in the Public area, but stayed with it throughout. My goal is still the same, though: for the club to be a place to peek into, find a game with at least intermediate level players; NOT to sign up for tournaments and/or team matches. I used to rail against those folks intruding on a nice game to seduce some of our players into some meaningless (to me) team match, sometimes breaking up a game to do so.  More recently, there is almost never a game forming in IAC...either it is used as a staging area for team/tourney matches, or there is a pre-arranged game at which casual entry is unwelcome. That, plus the pernicious invasion of Precision (Sorry, Oliver...just my opinion: I won't play it, nor against it unless P and I have discussed a defense) has made it all but impossible to find a game in the club. I still make the club my first destination when I log in, and continue to look for a casual game there, but failing that I just wander off into other rooms.

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