Get Competitive! > IAC Pairs Ladder

will pairs ladder, or team ladder start up again,,,how many are interested?

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Do we have the rules listed somewhere. I know we had them worked out fairly well, but I haven't noticed where the rules list is housed yet.

If you click on the highlighted "Help" on the right-hand side of the Menu, that displays the Ladder Rules.

Will the pair Ladder games ever be restarted?   

Also, it seems unclear about the team games... will there be a ladder team game?

Many of us enjoyed playing in the ladder games and hopefully they will be set up again.

Shirl  (kritter2)

The main thing at the moment is the Pairs Ladder. It will start up again, but only once I've found the time to root out the errors on the page

I spoke with Joe a couple of nights ago. As I couldnt get into the forum until yesterday my understanding over whats going on with the Pairs Ladder was skewed. It was my understanding that the Website pairs ladder wasnt working, and might not be fixed for a while.

And so I  had developed a spreadsheet which could be used in place of the website feature and talked it over with Joe, who seemed pleased in my interest.

You'll obviously need to confirm it with Joe, but I am happy to take over the admin of all Pairs and Team activity. If there's programming work still needing doing I may be able to help with that too. I was a mainframe programmer for most of my adult life and would be happy to get stuck into whatever computer language you use here.


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