Get Competitive! > IAC Pairs Ladder

will pairs ladder ever start again?

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Count me in on the beta testing Todd

anything new on the pairs ladders?


--- Quote from: Masse24 on January 03, 2020, 07:56:56 PM ---We are ready for a BETA test.

Message me and I will message you privately with instructions on how you can help test it.

--- End quote ---

How about using this?


--- Quote from: palych on January 29, 2023, 09:51:38 PM ---How about using this?

--- End quote ---

Nice Work.

But this measures individuals, not pairs. Probably a necessary evil since the whole concept of a pairs ladder seems to have died. It at least makes use of existing IAC tournaments.

One comment though: it puts a lot of emphasis on attendance. Clearly those who participate in the most tournaments will accumulate the most . . . "points." Sort of like the ACBL, which is doles out attendance prizes in the form of Masterpoints. Can you create a weighted average with a certain minimum number of tournaments required before it kicks in? That would seem to be a more accurate reflection of performance.

Again, Nice Work!


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