University of IAC > IAC Teaching Sessions

Creature's Features

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I was sitting East on B8 in which the bidding attracted some comments.  I had:
 !S Q10765
 !H J
 !D AKJ85
 !C A8
The bidding went:  1  !H - 1  !S; 4  !H -? 

In my mind it seemed that partner's spade holding would be the determinant for slam or not. If partner has a spade control and  !H AKQ then slam will be on.  It was suggested that I might try a cue of 5  !C.  However, would partner cue 5   !S with A  !S?  But that reply wont tell me the hearts holding. So the only bid available to my mind was keycard 4NT. 

Consider partner's 4  !H rebid and the difference between that and an opening bid of 4  !H.   !H AKQxxxx and nothing much else would be suitable for an opening bid although a 7222 distribution and top  !H might be considered to be suitable for only a 3 !H opening bid.  So the rebid of 4 !H must show extras outside and a 7321 distribution is more likely than a 7222.   If 7321 partners singleton is equally likely to be either a  !D or a  !S.  Also with with the small chance that partner does have   !S xx, there was still a chance that if South held the K  !S without the Ace then this suit would not be led. 

So I would give myself an 80% chance of making.

B7 Gave me a hand evaluation problem:
 !S A9873
 !H K10852
 !D A
 !C K9

1 !S -(p) - 2  !S-(dbl); ?

14HCP and 5 losers.  Without the double I would have made a trial bid of 3  !H.  However, the double made it very likely that I would find the A  !H onside so I went straight to 4 !H.  Well the A  !H happened to be offside and so the contract can go off.  However, South quite naturally led his A  !H, so giving me the contract 

Yes, I was the one leading the !h A on board 7. Partner's double of take-out double of 2 !S was of course completely reasonable and doesn't promise the !H K but it seemed to up the chances. And 4 !s is a completely reasonable contract, especially with the expectation of where the !H A will be, but of course that also turned out to not be the way it was. We place our bets, we do not always collect.

I never promised games that make, only hands that something happened that sparked an interest with me.  It might be hand valuation, it might be conventional, it might be the differenced between the thinking that is involved between IMPs and matchpoints, or it might be a missed opportunity.

On board 4, I thought 2 !H was forcing in an undiscussed situation.  I was a bit surprised at the discussion, so I went the Bridge Winners to post the question.  I set it up so players could choose either or both answers.  The results with about 100 players responding at the time I checked was 69% forcing, 24% non-forcing, 7% chose both.  Some of the abstainers wrote comments indicating that they regarded it as being strictly a partnership discussion/understanding situation.  While I agree that it can be non-forcing with discussion or in an area of the world where it is common agreement that it is non-forcing; but outside of those situations, I would expect partner to bid.  I understand that 1 !C - 1 !S; 1NT - 2 !H is generally not forcing, but then 2/1 generally includes new minor forcing or xyz as a means to artificially force.  Unless you have a specific forcing convention available, I think the principle, in a live auction, that a new suit by an unpassed hand is forcing applies.

During the session, I thought the valuations and play considerations made by Jack and Ken were spot on, it just felt like Ken was on the wrong side of how the hand actually laid out.  Been there, done that too.

The hands were indeed interesting.

On Board 5 I opened 2 !H with a 4=6=1=2 shape. It was, as you mentioned, in third position and that did influence my willingness to open 2 !H even though I had four spades. The idea is that we are unlikely to have a game anywhere, 2 !H should be making most of the time, and it creates interference.  Since we are red against white, I like to have a pretty decent suit, and so I have.

You mentioned that at the other table when you were playing this it started 2 !H - X - 3 !H, and what should E do.  I regard the E hand as worth a 3 !S call. At any rate, I think passing and then, f W doubles again, jumping to 4 !S is not what I would do. looking at the E hand I would expect 3 !S to often make. Suppose I pass. Partner might have a variety of hands, but if I am going to jump  to 4 !S over a second double then I am leaving E with the choice of passing out 3 !H or playing in 4 !S. Not good. I just bid 3 !S over 3 !H and hope for the best.

At our table, as I recall, it began 2 !h X - Pass - 3 !D and there was some question about how strong this was. I think W was wondering if they were playing Lebensohl. If so, the 3 !D shows some values since with a modest hand E would first bid 2NT, a relay to 3 !C, and then bid 3 !D.

My choice, after 2 !H X -Pass-Pass, would be some number of spades. Again Lebensohl is relevant, if it is being played. The choices are 2 !S, 2NT followed by 3 !S, or a direct 3 !S.  On high card points it is only worth 2 !S but it has some nice shape. I imagine 2 !S is right, but it's at the upper end, I think.

And at our table the contract was 3NT after, I think, 2 !H X - Pass -3 !D - Pass - 3NT passed out. There are 8 tricks but not 9. A kib pointed out that I missed an opportunity on defense to make a good falsecard that surely would have worked.

The opening lead was a heart to my T and declarer's K. Declarer played three top clubs from hand and found that they were not splitting. He then led a top spade from hand, partner following with the 5.

So the spade suit was like this at the beginning.

                    5 played 

  K led                                           Board has A863, 3 played
           I have   J942

Presumably that K is from KQT7. If I play low, as I did, declarer next plays the 7 to the A and and then, after my pard shows out, the 6 toward his QT.

But suppose I instead drop the !S 9 on the first trick. Declarer reasons that if sades are 3-2 then nothing matters, but if by any chance that 9 is a stiff then he can still pick up the suit by next playing the Q and then, when I show out (if I do) he leads toward the A8 on the board. He would be disappointed when I am the one with the four cards, but it would be a very sensible line for him to take.

It's a fun game.

On 4, lets throw BWS into the mix:

"After a one-level suit response and opener's simple same-suit rebid:
(a) a third-suit bid that is a reverse or a three-level bid is forcing to game;
(b) a third-suit non-reverse at the two-level is forcing for one round, and responder may pass if opener bids two of responder's first suit or three of opener's suit;
(c) a non-reverse jump to three of a third suit is natural (five-five or more) and game-forcing (to invite with the same shape, responder bids two and then three of the third suit);
(d) a bid one level above a game-forcing third-suit bid is a splinter. "

Note: Underlining mine.

So it looks like the correct bid under BWS would be the jump shift showing a game forcing 5-5 or better.  The double jump-shift would show a splinter; presumably in support of clubs.


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