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Messages - wackojack

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IAC Teaching Sessions / Re: B2 Fun tournament
« on: April 27, 2019, 10:40:59 AM »
Yes as with all conventions, interference changes the meaning of subsequent action.  wrt Landy 2 !C:  If RHO doubles, then you have an extra bid that you would not have had without the double.  To take advantage of this 2 !D changes its meaning from "you choose partner" to I have got a good   !D suit and likely not an 8 card fit for either major. Redouble  now becomes the "you choose" bid.  This is intuitively correct.   

After 1N-(2  !D) pass-(?)  the responses are known as "paradox" responses because if you have support for one of the majors, then you bid the suit that you do not have support for.  This concept should be readily understandable for most intermediate players.  It is a pity that your link only goes over the Capelletti bit of multi-Landy.   Yes agreement is needed on the paradox limit.  e.g 1N- (2 !D) - pass-(3  !H)  obviously pass or correct.  How about  1N- (2 !D) - pass-(3 !S) ? Does this mean "I have 3  !S and 4  !H?   Then how about  1N- (2 !D) - pass-(4  !H)?
Also how about  1N-(2  !D) -pass -(2NT) ?  These situations are rare.  The distribution that comes up often is 5M332.  it seems the bid you make depends on suit quality whether or not you play natural overcalls. 

Another debate prompted by chat last night as to what is the best meaning for a response of 2M to 1m.  I think we should be guided by (i) the frequency of its intended use and (ii) its efficacy.  Very weak?  Weak? Rev Flannery? Fit jump?  Solway jump shift? Mixed raise in the minor?  etc etc.  If a particular meaning comes up once in 1000 hands (f = .001) and its average gain (g) over not using it is say 5 imps .  Then fg = .005.  The use for which any bid should be put would be when fg is greatest.     

IAC Teaching Sessions / B2 Fun tournament
« on: April 25, 2019, 06:17:04 PM »

Our defence to 1NT was DONT as I had agreed to play partner's profile. With 5-4 in the majors and such a weak hand I considered an overcall of 2  !H to be too dangerous and also flawed.  Another popular defence to 1N as used by iacers is cappelletti 2  !D which is also flawed in that partner cannot know the best contract with equal length in the majors. 

The very simple Landy 2 !C is ideally suited to cope with 5-4 in the majors.  Partner with equal length will bid 2  !D.  Note that 5-4 is 6 times more likely than 5-5. The table that got a 100% score played in the inferior contract of 2  !H and went 1 off.   

So this is a plug for the use of the Landy defence by iac ers.  If you really want to go to town then adopt Multilandy against a strong no trump.  Then you can overcall with all suitable 5-4 combinations except minors. 
5M4m overcall 2M (use with caution)
4M5m overcall double (use with caution)
54M overcall 2  !C. (use with abandon nv)
6M overcall 2  !D and partner bids 2  !H pass or correct or 2  !S pass or correct with 3 cards in hearts.  Higher level bids need agreement


Sleight of Hand / Re: Surrounded, from the April 22 Dare.
« on: April 23, 2019, 10:16:05 AM »
This is new problem for me as I did not log in until the final hand. Here are my thoughts: I do not have the benefit of knowing the bidding and I am assuming the opponents didn't intervene and the bidding was something like 1 !H-2  !D -2NT-3NT.  I assume also the  !S lead was from a low spot so likely from a 4 or 5 card suit but this is probably not important.  If so, it seems apparent that the danger of defeat is West with  !H KQ9x and East with  !H A8x or similar and East leads the 8.  So if west gets in with a winning !D  you are safe.  If East does get in then perhaps a world class player or a double dummy nerd might find the 8 lead from A8x.  However, from say Q8x it would be even more difficult to find the 8 lead.  I am asking myself is this a serious iac problem?  If this is an avoidance problem, how can we prevent East from winning a  !D trick?  The card combination where we can stop East winning a   !D trick is when West has stiff Q  !D and West  !D 10xxx.  We could play 5  !D from hand and duck West's Q.  However this won't work since the only entry to dummy is the A  !C and west will switch to a club and you now  have to hope that west also has the K  !C
So this line of play is absurd. 

All I think I can do is to play off Ace and another  !D to the jack.  If East wins with the Q then if west does have the deadly !H combination H8x or H9x then she does not find the 8 or 9 lead.

IAC Teaching Sessions / Re: Hoki review yesterday
« on: April 14, 2019, 04:42:53 PM »
Thoughts on the Masse auction;
(a) showing 6+  !C s I have an issue:  Opener could have 1435 distribution.  Even with 12-14 points few would decide to rebid 1NT and with a little stronger but too light for a reverse you are forced to rebid 2 !C with 5 cards.  However after opener bids 3 !C this is corrected. 

I would not bank on partner having 4 card club support although it looks likely.  The most pessimistic interpretation of responders's bidding is having a holding like:
 !S AKJ10x   !H A   !D QJ95   !C Q53.  This hand looks to have very good chances of making at least 12 tricks.  So with a thorough understanding that:
(i) 4  !C is not Gerber......... !  Only joking!  That 4 !C is a slam try and this turns the earlier 3 !H bid into a control bid.
(ii) 4 !D is kickback and not cueing the K !D (What are the rules for when 4 !D is kickback and not a cue?)
this is a brilliant auction.   

IAC Teaching Sessions / Re: Hoki review yesterday
« on: April 12, 2019, 10:30:26 PM »
100% agree with you.  Sometimes it concerns me that because I live on the other side of the Atlantic we speak a different language.  Glad to hear that it is Hoki that has the unusual dialect.   :o

IAC Teaching Sessions / Hoki review yesterday
« on: April 11, 2019, 09:57:06 PM »

This hand generated a lively discussion about forcing bids.  Hoki maintained that the sequence 1  !C- 1 !S-2 !C -2 !D is not forcing in his book.  Also the sequence 1 !C -1 !S -2  !C -4  !C is normally just an invitation to 5 !C and you would need a special agreement with your partner if you wanted 4  !C to be forcing.  Many saw  both these sequences to be forcing as I do.  Comments?

At my table West came in with a very unusual overcall of 2  !C announced as showing  !H and another suit.  That complicated the issue somewhat.  Assume as at other tables the auction was uncontested.  6 !C is an excellent contract.  How do you get there? 1  !C- 1 !S -2 !C -4  !C -4  !D - 4 !H - ???  Now what?  Or are there any other gadgets that would help you get to the club slam?

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: Master Solvers Club
« on: April 11, 2019, 06:10:37 PM »
After 1N overcall and 2M-dbl I declare that I play Lebensohl.  Then I want to see how partner plays it.  FADS (fast denies stop) or FASS (fast shows stop).  If he says either I will accept that.  I can see that as Ken says maybe you should treat the intervention over 1N and response to a double over a weak 2 as different.  However to keep it simple I am happy with a consistent approach.  Yesterday I noticed that my partner in a Spur teams match declared Rubensohl on his profile and I agreed to play it.  I think I know the general principle in that I think of it as "transfer lebensohl"  I don't doubt that I would be stumped in certain situations but these things don't come up in 10 boards. 

Sleight of Hand / Re: Ever more daring
« on: April 10, 2019, 11:10:55 AM »
My first look at this hand and I thought it was a hand for the Vienna Coup.  You see that the   !C  do not break and then play off the A !S in order to transfer the menace to the Q  !S in the South hand in order to effect a  !D  !S squeeze.  Then I saw that this would not work if another  !D is played after winning the k  !S.  This cuts the  !D communication and so breaks up the potential squeeze. So what is left? 

Yes it looks like as Ken said.  Before playing out the  !C s, play a  !S early to the Q.  This gives you your 12th trick if s split badly provided the Q is with East.  If it isnt then you have done your best.   

I was defending this hand with the  !D suit and didn't see that I must cut the communications with another  !D  when in with the J  !C.  Instead switched to a  !H.  and now if declarer effects the Vienna Coup by playing off his A  !S then hearts will squeeze me into letting go a  !D or the Q  !S.  Declarer did not spot this and went one off. 

The lesson is look for the simple.  Do not always think that when you see 11 tricks that a squeeze play is necessary to make the 12th. 

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: Master Solvers Club
« on: April 10, 2019, 09:25:26 AM »
My first stab at doing something like this.  Will a Brit's view be wildly different?

A   2♦
I’ll go for the obvious 2♦.  Good lead director if opps continue to 2♠ and partner cannot raise..

B   2NT
2♣ for lead direction?  No I think has to be 2NT, the lower ranking unbid suits. 

C   4♠. 
I have 6 of them and better than a min opener.  For me the 3♣ bid would be showing 3 card support for ♠.  I appreciate that may not be the case here.  However, it would be inconceivable for partner to have only a singleton.

D   2♠
A forcing 2♠.  What else?

E   2NT
I cannot pass this since it looks to me that 2♠x will make easily.  So bid 2NT (lebensohl) and pass partner’s 3♣ response hoping for the best.  I don’t really like anything. 

F   2♦.
Game force.  The  ♥ suit is not good enough to bid 2♥.

G   6♣. 
Surely shows a void and try for the grand.

H   9♣.     
If in doubt lead partner’s suit. 

Sleight of Hand / Thoughts on weak 2's
« on: April 09, 2019, 11:59:50 AM »

This hand came up in a spurs team match.  Non vul against vul partner South opened 2♠, assumed weak.  I passed without any doubts.  These were the 2 hands: 
North           ♠ J,               ♥ AK864, ♦ QJ52, ♣ Q93
South           ♠ AQ10832, ♥ J,          ♦  987,   ♣ KJ10           
The hand was unremarkable in that partner made 2♠ with an overtrick.  What I did notice was that partner opened 2♠ with an 11 count, and moreover two 10’s and a singleton too boot.  I have noticed that over on the American side of the pond the culture is to readily open 2♠ with 10 points and over on my side of the pond 10 points is usually considered too strong to open a weak 2.   What is interesting to me is that with a combined 24 points, 3NT is a decent contract by virtue of both the singleton Jacks pulling their weight.   Of course, even had I known that partner had max 11, I would still have passed 2♠. 

This is what Kantar says about responding to a 2♠ opening bid:
•   "With a singleton in partner's suit and no strong suit of your own, do not even think of bidding on unless you have 16+ HCP."

Yes, I agree entirely with that advice.  However, all you have to do is to give me 1 point more, say, ♦ KQ102 and 3NT is a contract that definitely should not be missed.

At the lighter end of opening with a weak 2, Larry Cohen says:
“I'd gladly open 2♠ with ♠ KJ10986, ♥ 4, ♦ 10874, ♣ 32”

So, the range appears to be from a good 4 to a bad 11.  This is an 8 point range and obviously too much for a 2NT response to sort out whether or not one should go to game.  Contrast this with a 1NT opening bid which has a range of 3 points and an invite bid is still considered worthwhile in order to sort 15-17 into 15 to poor 16 and good 16 to 17. 
The question that all players that open 2♠ with 10 or a bad 11 points should ask themselves is: “Do I want 2♠ to be a pre-empt, or to be a descriptive bid that is not a pre-empt?”  If I open 2♠ with 10 points then it is odds on that we own the hand. So, unless the range of this opening bid is narrow, we are not pre-empting the opponents we are pre-empting poor partner.  Incidentally, I recall that when the Dutch won the Bermuda Bowl a few years ago, at least one pair divided their weak major suit hands into 2 opening bids.  2♥/♠ very weak max 6 or 7, I believe, and 2♦ a multi bid with one of the options being a stronger hand with a 6 card major, maybe up to 10 points.

For me, along with I believe, the vast majority of players on my side of the pond, the range of a major suit weak 2, is 5-9 and if you have a 6 card suit and 10 points then open 1M.  Then there is no gap.  I hasten to add that all my arguments apply to opening in 1st and 2nd position.  In 3rd, of course and in 4th for that matter a different set of rules will apply. 

Back to the 2 hands in the match.  If I were sitting South then the bidding would go:
2/1    1♠ - 2♥ - 2♠ - 3NT
SA   1♠-2♥-2♠ - ? This is a toss-up between 2N and 3N.
In 2/1 make responder 1 point lighter then: 1♠-1NT-2♠-2NT-p.

Sleight of Hand / Re: reflections on some jcreech hands of yesterday.
« on: April 07, 2019, 10:50:10 PM »
My experience of the bots is that they lead low from ALL 3 card suits that do not have honour sequences.  The down side of this approach is that partner is none the wiser the upside is that declarer does not know either.  Also the bots are adherents to "Bird Anthias" research.  This has studied thousands of 1NT-3NT hands and the double dummy stats say that you should NOT lead from a 4 card suit with unsupported honours.  In other words with no 5 card suit prefer to make a passive lead not giving away a trick.  If partner has a king or queen that is chopped, then it will always be finessed anyway.  That is the argument. The 10 is officially an honour and most players in UK do lead low from a 10.  MUD is popular but usually you can only find out if the lead is MUD or 4th when the 2nd round is played and then the damage might be done.  GIB gets over this by always leading low.  So you have to work out whether or not it is 4th highest from a 5 card suit or low from 3. 

Sleight of Hand / Re: Recession
« on: April 06, 2019, 07:21:30 PM »
Yes if West started with 4 spades to Q, then you can endplay him when he has  !S Qany,  !H Q any, by playing Ace and another  !S.  If he started with 3 then you make a 4th spade. 

Sleight of Hand / Re: Recession
« on: April 06, 2019, 01:40:45 PM »
Partner's spade suit did appear at the bottom of the gap and I hope that didn't influence me.  I wrote down " I would bid  6NT as a non scientific practical bid. I appreciate that this bid almost certainly precludes us from getting to a grand slam but I will live with that."  A little bit more thought now and I can appreciate that my Q  !H may be wasted as a squeeze against LHO looks unlikely.
 Nevertheless I would not consider bidding just 3NT.  So a toss up between  4N quantitative and 6N.  Looking for a minor suit slam I do not have in my bidding tool kit. 

I am going out now and will look at the play later.

Sleight of Hand / Re: Dare to Declare 1 April hand 6
« on: April 03, 2019, 05:23:28 PM »
Fantastic work you have put into this Ken.  Instead of analysing this in terms of suit distribution, I would like to look at it in terms of the minor suit King position.

I list the 4 combinations and their a priori probabilities:
Line 1: Cash the third !S and run the !C 9.
Line 2. Cash 2 spades, then lead a small !C to the A, then Run Q  !D, (if South covers) over to J  !D, Trump to Q, A  !D discard Q  !H
Assume initially that trumps are 3-2
(a) North has both Kings  ............................24% ...............Line 1 succeeds Line 2 fails
(b) South has both kings  ............................24% ...............Line 1 fails    Line 2 succeeds provided  !D s not 7-1 Discount this as opps would have bid  !D s
(c) North has K  !D and South has K  !C ........26% ............... Line 1 fails   Line 2 succeeds provided A !C is a singleton (6.25%) Giving a total chance of 1.6%
(d) North has K  !C and South has K  !D........ 26% ............... Line 1 succeeds, Line 2 succeeds provided  !D not 7-1 (discounted)

So Chance of Line 1 succeeding = 50% and chance of Line 2 succeeding = 51.6%,  This result is very similar to Ken's result.
I confess that it did not occur to me when I followed Line 1 that I could improve my chances by about 1% with Line 2. 

What if when you lead the 2nd trump you see them splitting 4-1?  How should the play change?  No time to look at that now

Sleight of Hand / Dare to Declare 1 April hand 6
« on: April 01, 2019, 10:48:11 PM »

Is this an April fool? 

It seems to me that you have to decide which minor suit finesse to take.  I decided to try the  ! !C finesse for 2 reasons:

1. South I know has K  !H.  So North is North is likely to have at least 1 minor suit King. So, which minor suit King do I want North to have?  K !C of course. 
2. If both minor suit finesses work then I make 13 tricks.  If the  !D finesse works then I have to forgo the  !C finesse and so make 12 tricks.
3. If I go for the  !C finesse there is less faffing around with entries.  So keep it simple.

Can anyone tell me why I should go for the  !D finesse?

Incidentally I made the contract when South didn't take his K  !C, and then when I abandoned  !C after North showed out and ran the Q  !D, South once more gifted me by not covering the Q  !D.  I had drawn 3 rounds of trump. C'est la vie!

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