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Messages - yleexotee

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IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2021 AUGUST MSC
« on: July 12, 2021, 11:24:20 PM »
Wow, I was ALL or Nothing on this one in terms of scoring. I'm 100 on 5 of them and practically zero on a couple others. D is a bit of shock for me, though I should realized when I commented that I'm going to do something the panel prob wont (but for some reason stick to it anyway!)

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2021 AUGUST MSC
« on: June 30, 2021, 05:32:30 PM »
PROBLEM A: 4 Spades        Decided against anything like 4D because I'm not sure we have established a suit, or if it might look like a rebid
PROBLEM B: 3 Diamonds     I don't think I have enough to take 9 tricks before the good 3c bidder gets back in after they knock out my club ace
PROBLEM C: 1 Notrump       I really thought about 1s, but 1nt seems more systemicly appropriate
PROBLEM D: (a3) | (b1)       In real life I think I would bid the weak open, so stuck with it. but I pass after they open, maybe we'll defend in a major
PROBLEM E: 2 Clubs            bit of a punt here, but I think its right
PROBLEM F: 3 Diamonds      Leaving room for pard to tell me more
PROBLEM G: 2 Spades        Not sure what info I can get from p, but I just hate the big jumps to game/slam, etc.
PROBLEM H: Spade Ace       I had D10 at first, but decided to go more aggresive. hopefully the ops 1S bid was a lowbie 4 spades and this is the killer lead.

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2021 AUGUST MSC
« on: June 08, 2021, 09:29:04 PM »
A- think I"m going with 4S. that 4c should show a strong hand, but I need a piece of information about BWS. is 1s the call with a GF hand, or would 2c be the call with a GF hand and then mention the major. without knowing that, I don't fully know pards hand. p better have good reason to pass up 3nt.
B-  leaning toward 3nt, though a wimpy 3D is possible.
C - 1S
D - I want to do A1 and B1, but again msc biases against pass most of the time, so maybe A3
E - 2c  and make pard decide something
F - 3D, but should just take the hint and bid 4nt. the hint is always worth 80 or 90.
G - 2S if I feel like going low, but 6h whammo maybe.
H - 10D, 2D, AS  no strong feeling as of yet. often in these hands the first major mentioned by responder is not a great one and the 3nt bidder is relying on it. so I lean toward A, K and low. and see if that gets us into parts hand later.

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2021 July MSC
« on: May 29, 2021, 11:05:08 PM »
PROBLEM A: 2 Spades
PROBLEM B: 1 Spade
PROBLEM C: 3 Diamonds
PROBLEM D: 3 Clubs
PROBLEM E: 3 Spades
PROBLEM F: 3 Notrump
PROBLEM G: 6 Hearts
PROBLEM H: Pass | Diamond 3

Some of these against my better judgment, but playing the MSC game!

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2021 July MSC
« on: May 19, 2021, 10:09:39 PM »
First stab at it:

A: 2s or 3h- asking for a stopper
B: X or 2C - would lead more strongly toward X if I had only 1 diamond.
C: Pass. I have an unsavory collection of Queens and Jacks, and partner is not showing much else either. Lets try the possible 8 card diamond fit rather than the 7 card spades. When ops come in with their 2h, we have 2s to fall back to. But also pass never scores well, so there's that.
D: Taking the hint - 2S
E: Pass - its a crummy spade suit, and I don't have enough to force to game in clubs, with no way to ask about NT. I think I can be convinced to try 3S, which would be easier to swallow if West had already passed. Partner can X if he needs me to get in the action with a better than average hand. But also pass never scores well, so there's that.
F: 4S or 3nt. we seem to have game going points, but clubs are a mystery. might be ok in moysian. I have the stopper in diamonds, so asking for a stopper seems a recipe for the disaster of passing 3nt when that's our best spot.
G: 5H. Trying to stay out of trouble so I don't bid 5D, might look like I'm encouraging slam bid by partner, which I don't want to do opposite guys like me and their preempts.
H: Pass, 3D

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2021 JUNE MSC
« on: May 03, 2021, 07:23:31 PM »
Boy do I object to the scoring on B!

1nt after the ops bid 1s, and I have a singleton spade?? Sounds like a recipe for ending in 2nt after the ops compete, with no spade stoppers at all.

2c I can stomach because I have made that bid before, but its rarely good. yes, most of the time its a 3-4 fit in clubs, but more than once I have landed in a 3-3 fit making that 2c bid.

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2021 JUNE MSC
« on: April 14, 2021, 06:00:48 PM »
incidently, about problem D - I have yet to see anyone show good criteria for how to proceed when you get that 2 level transfer and then a raise to 4. how do I know that I should accept or go forward towards slam. My hand is well defined with the 1nt bid, do I only go if I have ace or King in the other suits, do I go only if I have the max 17 pts, do I only go if I have more than 2 hearts, do I only go if I have an honor in hearts plus some of the previous criteria. that slam try seems like a real shot in the dark for the 1nt opener. What if I have two small spades, a couple of heart honors and the max, seems like I should go, but after asking for aces and finding that we have the Q and are only off 1 key card, slam is hopeless but I have already bid it.

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2021 JUNE MSC
« on: April 14, 2021, 05:54:10 PM »
Preliminary thoughts
A.  2S- obvious, I think. and I don't care if the panel disagrees!
B.  Pass or X, never works out for me when I support the 1c open with 3 clubs, even given the other bidding.
C.  Pass or 1c, with some thought given to 3C. 1c is maybe the least appealing because ops could have a 4-4 fit in spades, and 3c will keep them out while giving us a chance at a partial. except
     that its a marginal suit.
D.  A, I'm taking the middle road.
E.  XX, this is what comes to mind trying to pass the buck to partner. we have GF points, but nothing seems to fit yet. maybe we just set them in spades, maybe p can bid NT, I don't know.
F.  Pass. there better be some Unusual v unusual expectations in BWS because I have those expectations therefore p has zippo.
G.  Pass. I have to keep in mind that p could just have been balancing. I already redoubled XX showing I have points and allowing p to bid something. Since they chose not to, I'm letting it go.
H. A!C followed by diamonds, but I'm taking my free peek at the cards.

PROBLEM A: 2 Spades
PROBLEM E: Redouble

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2201 MAY MSC
« on: March 31, 2021, 05:18:06 AM »
PROBLEM A: 4 Clubs - decided asking too much for p to have all that's needed for 3nt
PROBLEM B: 3 Notrump - dunno
PROBLEM C: 1 Spade
PROBLEM F: 2 Spades
PROBLEM G: 3 Spades
PROBLEM H: Club 5 - still think they could be off an ace. 9 card trump fit usually doesn't mind missing queen.

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2201 MAY MSC
« on: March 30, 2021, 12:31:22 AM »
MAY GUESSES - (all preliminary):

PROBLEM H: !H J. Partner has nothing. Partner knows it. I know it. But declarer does not know it. If declarer has the !H T (or even partner), and no shortness in the heart suit, might this look like a shortness lead? If so, would he be more inclined to play the trump suit for a drop of the Queen? I don’t know, but I sure do hate lead problems!

I see someone has not learned their lesson about leading singleton against slams!

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2201 MAY MSC
« on: March 18, 2021, 04:41:48 AM »
The rare early thoughts for me:
A. Pass in real life, possibly 4c for MSC but doubtful because pard did not bid 3D with a good club raise, so I don't think we have all that much and don't want to be at the 4 level. 3s is palatable and lower level so I like the thinking.
B. X and letting p decide on pulling to 3nt (because x surely means I have spades, but not a great fit for hearts or diamonds). I think we might have a good score after my QD lead.3nt direct instead of torturing p is another way to go.
C. 1S. I can't bring myself to take the hint and bail on the spades completely. But taking the hint in this game always works, so.....and the spades are bad so....
D.  D and D5  my thoughts same as JC
E. Pass
F. 2S - taking the first hint and going with diamond raise, already 8+ fit why go hunting for other things, and frankly I want to take away what looks to be the ops spade fit bidding.
G. 3S - I think this might be overly aggressive, but surely p wont take me for anything more because of the initial 3s. KQ are almost 3 spades.
H. 5c, they are missing a ace, and if its club ace, they are down immediately, and no guarantee I will get that Q of trump

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2021 April MSC
« on: March 10, 2021, 06:17:20 AM »
Late to the game and on my second glass of in other words, how I play most of my bridge! Here are the bids that popped into my head:
A - 3nt - hoping those half stops in my hand will lead to some good finesse of whatever other honor west has
B - 4C - I would like to let partner know I have a good side suit besides hearts
C - 4S - Rule of 9 says to pass here, but even two down is a bad score in Matchpoints. as I write this, it occurs to me 3nt might score even better. might need to think more on this one
D - 2D - taking the hints
E - 5H - because 4h just doesn't tell the story of that hand at all. east's X doesn't make sense to me, they should just bid 5d, only thing that gives me pause
F - yes, 5D. Very difficult to make sense of that 4nt bid. Can't be BW in spades, although maybe partner wants to know if I have the AK of spades..but what possible hand could they have and pass 2h. yikes.
G - 3D - decided not to go low on this one, and not to bid 3c. This is probably completely wrong as 3C seems more normal if I'm making this a GF hand.
H - probably 7 of spades for me, I'm being influenced by a lot of robot play lately where they don't give up anything on their leads.
C - I am reconsidering now that I've taken a quick look at other's thoughts too. don't think I can play in 4s, might get the club lead trumped be east and get off to a bad start. I have 2 club stoppers....but they are also club tricks. still I think the math here is to take our NT score, not the X for -2. can we get -3?? not sure enough.
G looks like I'm going too far off the field's bid. if p doesn't have heart though, we might end up in either a bad 3nt or a kooky diamond contract if I don't show the spades. so, I bow to the crowd wisdom on this one.
H - think I'm sticking to 7 of spades, glad wackojack is with me, but I doubt the solvers are going to choose this much.

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2021 April MSC
« on: March 10, 2021, 06:02:38 AM »
Late to the game and on my second glass of in other words, how I play most of my bridge! Here are the bids that popped into my head:
A - 3nt - hoping those half stops in my hand will lead to some good finesse of whatever other honor west has
B - 4C - I would like to let partner know I have a good side suit besides hearts
C - 4S - Rule of 9 says to pass here, but even two down is a bad score in Matchpoints. as I write this, it occurs to me 3nt might score even better. might need to think more on this one
D - 2D - taking the hints
E - 5H - because 4h just doesn't tell the story of that hand at all. east's X doesn't make sense to me, they should just bid 5d, only thing that gives me pause
F - yes, 5D. Very difficult to make sense of that 4nt bid. Can't be BW in spades, although maybe partner wants to know if I have the AK of spades..but what possible hand could they have and pass 2h. yikes.
G - 3D - decided not to go low on this one, and not to bid 3c. This is probably completely wrong as 3C seems more normal if I'm making this a GF hand.
H - probably 7 of spades for me, I'm being influenced by a lot of robot play lately where they don't give up anything on their leads.

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2021 March MSC
« on: February 09, 2021, 11:34:38 PM »
A - This is one where I'm going to play the game of MSC answers and take the hint of 2S. However, I believe I would bid something like 3D showing my real suit and taking my chances.
B - Pass. It's MPs, I"m going to stay low and beat those going down in 3nt, and making it up with a couple extras if we make 5c.
C - Very hard time with this one. 3S is the most descriptive bid for me, 3C being GF and I feel that's a touch overboard. if p doesn't have club stopper, what am I doing over  after 3c -3d/3h. p sees
      my 3S, don't they bid 3nt with a club stopper and 1 or 2 spades?. OTOH, I tend to be aggressive and I suspect 3c is my real bid at the table. if Vul IMPs I might go this way. is that ace of h
     enough transportation to get those spades running....oy! 3S
D - 4S. I want to declare the spade control and keep exploring
E - 2S. What else
F - Pass. this is a bit passive, and something tells me I might double in real life, but this is what I"going with. I have 1 trick and maybe the king of h. so p needs two tricks, or 3 if dummy only has 
     one Heart. Ace of H, then probably a club honor and a diamond honor, but are they situated well?
G - Another tough one. I wish I could bid some form of kickback here, so I could ask if we are setup with KQ of clubs. 4H is tempting,and I want p to bid 4S showing the king of spades I suspect
      they have. Again taking theMSC hint that this isn't too weak a bid. p has to have something in spades. KH is coming home, LHO isn't going to lead from AQ so won't get a heart lead, to me its     
      somewhat likely we don't have a heart loser unless we end up in slam where he might take it off the top. 4nt? doesn't help, if p has king of c, they say 5c ad now what, if they don't they say
      5d, and we are toast. if I bid 5c p isn't going to raise so we lose out o 6c....    I think I'm going to diverge from everyone and try 4h, and see if I hear the magic response.

IAC & Master Solvers Club / Re: 2021 February - MSC
« on: January 10, 2021, 11:04:07 PM »
Thank you all who kept reminding me. but I failed to enter them again. I jotted down some notes a couple days ago,but I can't see the problems anymore. I'm going to post my notes before the answers come out and see where that gets me.
A = X but I had a note that said, what does it mean in BWS. so I think I remember that I want to at least bid 5D. it has to be forcing pass if p asks for aces.
B = Pass
C = 2H but wondered if 2s was better
D = 2h
E = 3D if its forcing, don't remember the problem at all
F = 1S
G = 2H
H = don't remember the problem but wondered if I should take an ace off the top. one of them was maybe AQ and there other wasn't I think so I choose that one (A of H? or A of C maybe)

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