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Messages - rich_a

Pages: [1]
IAC Matters / Re: IAC rules
« on: November 16, 2019, 06:50:38 AM »
I agree with the rules and thank Sanya for putting them to paper.  In all fairness, we should consider them as guidelines instead of rules so players don't feel too restricted.  We must alert but I think a full explanation of an alert is not necessary in most cases.  For example, if I bid fourth suit forcing and announce it as game forcing, the opponents can ask for more information if they have questions. If we alert a Jacoby 2NT, do we really need to announce that we have four cards in the bid major suit and 13+ points?  If we play 2 way Drury, do we need to say with our 2 club bid that we have three cards in the bid major suit and 10 HCP or 11+ total points?  We all are intermediate/advanced players and I realize, some experts play in the IAC, so we have experience or at a minimum know how to ask what a bid signifies.

Secondarily, we should show a positive attitude and stating that if you don't follow the rules, you will be banned.  The IAC must be a happy place to play; I enjoy playing there and hope we can keep it pleasant.

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