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Topics - wackojack

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Sleight of Hand / We got thrashed (ii)
« on: August 18, 2019, 04:56:16 PM »
I did threaten this would be a series, so here is another:  Red against white, you in 4th position have:
 !S AQ83
 !H J964
 !D 2
 !C 10852

Bidding:  p -p - 1NT - p; 2NT-p -3NT-all pass.  No alerts

Your lead?   

Sleight of Hand / We got thrashed (i)
« on: August 12, 2019, 05:14:23 PM »
In a recent team match the team I was in got comprehensively thrashed.  I will present our losses as a series of problems for you.  When I say (you) here it may or may not be me at the table.  No names will be mentioned.   

You are dealer at love all with:   !S AJ10632,  !H 5,  !D AJ,  !C A1052.  1 !S-(p)-1NT-(4 !H); your bid? 

Sleight of Hand / Play this
« on: July 27, 2019, 01:31:46 PM »
The play of this hand, I believe, revolves around getting the best chance given the probabilities of various card combinations.  I would be interested in opinions on the best line.  I went down.

Also you can comment on the bidding if you like.  I clicked on opening 1 !D too quickly and believe that 1N was the best opening.  Having opened it 1 !D, there was no way I was going to rebid either 2 or 3  !D, so I stretched to 2NT.  Had I opened 1N I still think we would have finished in 3N.     

!S 976
 !H K872
 !D 106
 !C KQ96

 !S AJ3
 !H Q4
 !D AJ9842
 !C A3

The bidding goes 1 !D - 1  !H- 2NT- 3NT.  Lead 2  !S 6, 10 J.

Plan the play

Sleight of Hand / Another More on in between hands
« on: July 23, 2019, 10:18:21 AM »

We missed this laydown slam playing a version of SA and not 2/1.  You could put a case for East to rebid 3 !S.  Or after the actual auction up to 3N for West to make a quantitative slam try of 4NT. Strong clubbers would get to slam with no difficulty as would those that played Gazzilli 2/1 provided East responded 1NT.  (Gazzilli players:  Is a response of of 1NT sanctioned here?) 

In general, when opener has about 1 trick more than a min opener and responder has about 1 trick more than than a game force, how can this be revealed to get to a slam?  A 1M opening hand  worth about 16 points is so difficult to reveal without playing a strong club or a Gazzilli type gizmo.  That is why 5M332 16 pointers are usually opened 1NT despite the possible downside. 

Sleight of Hand / 7 card support
« on: May 22, 2019, 06:45:48 PM »
Here is a bit of fun.  You are playing in a 10 board  iac team match and your team is 3 imps down and on board  9 you get dealt:
 !S K3,   !H Q976543,  !D 3,  !C KQ3.  White against red.  Playing 2/1.  Partner opens 1 !S, you respond 1NT and partner jump rebids 3 !H.  I cannot think of any slower bid showing slam interest other than 4NT.  Partner responds 5 !H.  Your bid.

IAC Teaching Sessions / Dare to declare 20/05/19 B6
« on: May 20, 2019, 10:55:20 PM »
West  !S A109 ,  !H Q54,  !D AK2,  !C J753 

 East !S K2,  !H AK5,  !D QJ53,  !C AQ842

You are East in 6  !C with no intervention.  Lead is Q  !S

How do you play the clubs? 
Run jack?
Play 3 to Queen?
Play 3 to East's 8 if North plays low?
Play 3 to Q if North plays 10 or 9?
Play 3 to Ace if North plays 10 or 9?

I dont think it is obvious

IAC Teaching Sessions / B2 Fun tournament
« on: April 25, 2019, 06:17:04 PM »

Our defence to 1NT was DONT as I had agreed to play partner's profile. With 5-4 in the majors and such a weak hand I considered an overcall of 2  !H to be too dangerous and also flawed.  Another popular defence to 1N as used by iacers is cappelletti 2  !D which is also flawed in that partner cannot know the best contract with equal length in the majors. 

The very simple Landy 2 !C is ideally suited to cope with 5-4 in the majors.  Partner with equal length will bid 2  !D.  Note that 5-4 is 6 times more likely than 5-5. The table that got a 100% score played in the inferior contract of 2  !H and went 1 off.   

So this is a plug for the use of the Landy defence by iac ers.  If you really want to go to town then adopt Multilandy against a strong no trump.  Then you can overcall with all suitable 5-4 combinations except minors. 
5M4m overcall 2M (use with caution)
4M5m overcall double (use with caution)
54M overcall 2  !C. (use with abandon nv)
6M overcall 2  !D and partner bids 2  !H pass or correct or 2  !S pass or correct with 3 cards in hearts.  Higher level bids need agreement


IAC Teaching Sessions / Hoki review yesterday
« on: April 11, 2019, 09:57:06 PM »

This hand generated a lively discussion about forcing bids.  Hoki maintained that the sequence 1  !C- 1 !S-2 !C -2 !D is not forcing in his book.  Also the sequence 1 !C -1 !S -2  !C -4  !C is normally just an invitation to 5 !C and you would need a special agreement with your partner if you wanted 4  !C to be forcing.  Many saw  both these sequences to be forcing as I do.  Comments?

At my table West came in with a very unusual overcall of 2  !C announced as showing  !H and another suit.  That complicated the issue somewhat.  Assume as at other tables the auction was uncontested.  6 !C is an excellent contract.  How do you get there? 1  !C- 1 !S -2 !C -4  !C -4  !D - 4 !H - ???  Now what?  Or are there any other gadgets that would help you get to the club slam?

Sleight of Hand / Thoughts on weak 2's
« on: April 09, 2019, 11:59:50 AM »

This hand came up in a spurs team match.  Non vul against vul partner South opened 2♠, assumed weak.  I passed without any doubts.  These were the 2 hands: 
North           ♠ J,               ♥ AK864, ♦ QJ52, ♣ Q93
South           ♠ AQ10832, ♥ J,          ♦  987,   ♣ KJ10           
The hand was unremarkable in that partner made 2♠ with an overtrick.  What I did notice was that partner opened 2♠ with an 11 count, and moreover two 10’s and a singleton too boot.  I have noticed that over on the American side of the pond the culture is to readily open 2♠ with 10 points and over on my side of the pond 10 points is usually considered too strong to open a weak 2.   What is interesting to me is that with a combined 24 points, 3NT is a decent contract by virtue of both the singleton Jacks pulling their weight.   Of course, even had I known that partner had max 11, I would still have passed 2♠. 

This is what Kantar says about responding to a 2♠ opening bid:
•   "With a singleton in partner's suit and no strong suit of your own, do not even think of bidding on unless you have 16+ HCP."

Yes, I agree entirely with that advice.  However, all you have to do is to give me 1 point more, say, ♦ KQ102 and 3NT is a contract that definitely should not be missed.

At the lighter end of opening with a weak 2, Larry Cohen says:
“I'd gladly open 2♠ with ♠ KJ10986, ♥ 4, ♦ 10874, ♣ 32”

So, the range appears to be from a good 4 to a bad 11.  This is an 8 point range and obviously too much for a 2NT response to sort out whether or not one should go to game.  Contrast this with a 1NT opening bid which has a range of 3 points and an invite bid is still considered worthwhile in order to sort 15-17 into 15 to poor 16 and good 16 to 17. 
The question that all players that open 2♠ with 10 or a bad 11 points should ask themselves is: “Do I want 2♠ to be a pre-empt, or to be a descriptive bid that is not a pre-empt?”  If I open 2♠ with 10 points then it is odds on that we own the hand. So, unless the range of this opening bid is narrow, we are not pre-empting the opponents we are pre-empting poor partner.  Incidentally, I recall that when the Dutch won the Bermuda Bowl a few years ago, at least one pair divided their weak major suit hands into 2 opening bids.  2♥/♠ very weak max 6 or 7, I believe, and 2♦ a multi bid with one of the options being a stronger hand with a 6 card major, maybe up to 10 points.

For me, along with I believe, the vast majority of players on my side of the pond, the range of a major suit weak 2, is 5-9 and if you have a 6 card suit and 10 points then open 1M.  Then there is no gap.  I hasten to add that all my arguments apply to opening in 1st and 2nd position.  In 3rd, of course and in 4th for that matter a different set of rules will apply. 

Back to the 2 hands in the match.  If I were sitting South then the bidding would go:
2/1    1♠ - 2♥ - 2♠ - 3NT
SA   1♠-2♥-2♠ - ? This is a toss-up between 2N and 3N.
In 2/1 make responder 1 point lighter then: 1♠-1NT-2♠-2NT-p.

Sleight of Hand / Dare to Declare 1 April hand 6
« on: April 01, 2019, 10:48:11 PM »

Is this an April fool? 

It seems to me that you have to decide which minor suit finesse to take.  I decided to try the  ! !C finesse for 2 reasons:

1. South I know has K  !H.  So North is North is likely to have at least 1 minor suit King. So, which minor suit King do I want North to have?  K !C of course. 
2. If both minor suit finesses work then I make 13 tricks.  If the  !D finesse works then I have to forgo the  !C finesse and so make 12 tricks.
3. If I go for the  !C finesse there is less faffing around with entries.  So keep it simple.

Can anyone tell me why I should go for the  !D finesse?

Incidentally I made the contract when South didn't take his K  !C, and then when I abandoned  !C after North showed out and ran the Q  !D, South once more gifted me by not covering the Q  !D.  I had drawn 3 rounds of trump. C'est la vie!

The IAC Café / Hand 8, dare to declare last week
« on: March 27, 2019, 06:56:10 PM »
I do not know where to look for the given solution, but believe it is very complex.

It is easy to see that if both minor suits split 3-2 then 13 tricks are available.  If one of the minor suits does not split 3-2, then 12 tricks are available.  Then can we guard against both minor suits splitting 4-1?   So there are 4 scenarios:   

1. 4 clubs and diamonds with South. 
You can play AK  !D and discover the bad news.  Then you can play clubs any way you like discover South has 4 and so ruff a club in dummy for the extra trick.

2. North has 4 clubs and South 4 diamonds.
Here you have to be very careful. You must play a small club to dummy's King and then when South shows out you are in control.  If South ruffs you can play your low club and then later make your long club.  If South discards then you play to Dummy's A spades and lead another club.  So inevitably make your 12th  trick.

3. North has 4 clubs and South 4 diamonds.  If you play as in 2, then South will ruff your 2nd club and you are left with a club loser.  Even if you initially only draw one round of diamonds you are still left with a club loser.  There is one last ray of hope.  And that is you may be able to squeeze North for your 12th.  This only works if North has all the top cards in the majors. I.e   !H KQJ and  !S QJ10(x) 

4. 4 Clubs and diamonds with North.  This is the same as 3 except looks the least likely layout. 

Conclusion:  I believe the recommended play was to play AK  !D first and then low to K  !C in dummy which does guard against layouts against 1 and 2.  With layouts 3 and 4 it does look like you play the same to the first 4 tricks and when you discover the bad news you can still make provided North has all the major suit honours.

I think quite a difficult hand

Sleight of Hand / An in between hand
« on: March 23, 2019, 11:39:19 AM »
In  a Spurs Team match opps at our table had these hands:  South:  !S A,  !H Q76,  !D K1094,  !C AQ975......... North  !S Q652,  !H AK10,  !D AQ8,  !C K86.

South opened 1 !C, reversed into 2 !D opposite partner's 1  !S response and thereafter had no difficulty in getting to 6NT.  At the other table South opened 1  !D and rebid 2   !C opposite partner's 1 !S.  North then bid 3N which was the final contract. 

I don't want to comment too much on North's 3NT bid and can see that had she bid the 4th suit 2  !H, there was a chance that with good partnership agreements, they could have got to 6NT. 

I am just interested in South's bidding.  This is an awkward in between hand too weak to reverse, out of range for a 1NT rebid (and singleton spade makes it slightly unsuitable), and a rebid of 2  !C does not really describe the hand well.  Worst of all imo is to distort the shape by opening 1 !D and rebidding 2  !C.  This practice seems to be more prevalent on the other side of the pond from me.
 I could be wrong but I do not think an expert over here would bid this way. 

fwiiw I give the following marks:

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