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Messages - djc11

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The IAC Café / Re: Di stories - the story behind hi bye
« on: March 20, 2020, 09:05:43 AM »
Well, my bbo nick djc isn't much of a mystery. It's the initials for my full name, though the j shouldn't strictly be there as Dibya and jyoti are not separate in my name ;D. But there is kind of a weird reason for the number 11 along with it. I have used djc11 for almost all registrations on different gaming websites. Djc originates from my school and college days, when my friends who did not want to pronounce either my full name (which is understandable :P) or the shorter Bengali form Dibya (not at all understandable :(), chose to call me djc instead. It sort of stuck due to some common friends percolating through my academic days up to my office days.

Now coming to the number 11; from my early childhood days, it sort of fascinated me (being the first numerical palindrome, first 2-digit prime number, etc.). I used to declare it in public as my favourite number (that is when someone asked me what my lucky number was). The reason, in retrospect, is not very lucid to me but may be partly due to the fact that almost all my friends declared a single digit number as their favourite, and I may have thought of going against the popular opinions ;D. Since then, I remember to have correlated all positive events in my life to this number (including my favourite sport, football, having 11 players ;D), until I entered the later years of adolescence and all these became pretty silly (along with many other things! :P).

But when most websites made it mandatory to include numbers or special characters,etc. etc. to an user ID, the number 11 sort of came as a natural choice to me, probably due to living with it for so long! And that's how djc11 was created and ultimately came to BBO as well :).

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