Chew the Fat! > Sleight of Hand

Shape, LOTT, all that jazz

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--- Quote from: kenberg on July 09, 2022, 02:02:25 PM ---The problem with opening it 2S is not that I am worried, or not terribly worried, that I will be playing 2S off a few but rather I worry that partner will expect, or at least hope for, more with my vul opening and compete at too high a level, as happened at the other table.

So, first round,  I just passed,
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Rest assured Ken.  If my partner opens a weak 2 then I will believe it to be a weak 2.  Ofcourse if my partner happened to open the weak 2 with a 10 count and we had game on I would be very annoyed that partner opened a weak 2 with a 10 count. 
A weak 2 is a weak 2 and therefore not a 10 count in my book. 

Had you opened 2 !S I think I would have passed with the good heart suit.  Had opps then doubled and bid 3 !D I would have taken that as a likeley 9 card fit and so competed with a LAW raise to 3 !S.  No way would I be tempted to go to 4 !S.

4S is optimistic, I probably just make an immediate raise to 3S.

As to opening 2S on a 10 count I have been known to do it. I have never liked the idea that a hand with a six-card major could be too strong for a 2M bid and too weak for a 1M bid so I do one or the other unless there are other aspects of the hand that I worry about. Bad suit quality could convince me to pass rather than bid either 1 or 2.

Other opinions?

"Tweeners"  DO exist!

My thinking, I suppose I am a traditionalist.

On this hand partner has three card support, the AK of hearts, an outside K, and a stiff diamond. Still, good defense holds me to 8 tricks. Am I really so keen on declaring this hand in a spade contract? If I am non-vul against vul, ok. But vul? I'd rather not.

More generally: I think that 2S should suggest that I'll probably be ok in 2S if partner has only modest values and a doubleton spade, and I will probably be ok if partner has three spades and some shape and so competes to 3S. And, if my Lho declares, I would like to think I will be fine with an opening spade lead from partner. My posted hand satisfies this last requirement.

Another way of thinking about it. Some expert, I forget who it was, said that you want to give partner accurate information during the auction but then, if the opponents buy the hand, you might well regret putting this info out there. Meaning here that when the opponents play a diamond contract then knowing spades split 6-3 might be of use to declarer.

I don't usually play multi bids, but I will comment on N's response to the 2D call at the other table. At least as I play multis, when I play them, it seems N's bid is 2S or 3S. Yes his hearts are (much) stronger but the 2S bid says so. The idea is to say "Yeah, I have good hearts in case that is actually your suit, but if, as I am guessing, your suit is spades then 2S will be fine. Or he could bid 3S with the same meaning: Sure, 4H will be fine if hearts are your suit, but if it's spades then let's play 3S.

But multis need discussion and it's a matter of choice.

As to the in-between hands, too much fo 2S and too little for 1S, I don't think I ever do that if I have a good spade suit. If I have a six-card spade suit, no singleton, so 6-3-2-2 in some order, and a ten-count consisting of two kings and two queens all in different suits, I probably pass. I wouldn't call it too strong for a weak 2, just wrong for a weak 2. And I am not suicidal so 1S is not my call either. With a ten count that consists of the KQJ of spades and a couple of outside queens but not much shape, I am fine with 2S. With a six-card suit including of the KQJ and an outside A, I am fine with 1S.
Mostly, if I pass holding six spades and a ten count, it's probably with a hand where I am not at all sure I want to play in spades and not at all sure I want partner to lead a spade if we end up on defense.


--- Quote from: blubayou on July 17, 2022, 01:29:44 AM ---"Tweeners"  DO exist!

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