Organised Chaos! > IAC Website

Problems signing in to the IAC Website?


If you are having problems signing in to the IAC Website, please make sure the following items are all true:

* Make sure you have Cookies enabled in your browser.
* Make sure your browser allows scripts (eg: Javascript) to run.
* Make sure you are browsing to, and <b><i>not</i></b> to
If you are complying with all of the above:

* Try signing in manually. If that appears to work, then

* Edit your System Profile
* Make sure Automatic Login is set to "Yes"
* Whether or not you've made any changes, save your profile record by clicking on the green check button at the bottom of the form.
* This should re-save the Cookie on your system for the correct domain
* Now you should be good to go next time.
* If signing in manually doesn't work, then request a Password Reset on the drop-down menu at the very top of the IAC window:
* You will be asked for your email address and an Email will be sent to that address, containing a link.
* Click on the link in the Email and you will receive an email which will give your new password.

I am getting a lot of people saying they are still getting an error message and are unable to register,  I'm not sure what you mean signing in manually? How do I tell new members to do that?

Sanya has sent me a couple of screenshots that people have sent her. I'm completely at a loss to explain how people are getting those, because they refer to an "undeclared function", but the function IS declared. New members just have to register, but if you're an existing member and the system isn't logging you in automatically, then you have to follow the sequence I've listed above.

It seems to me that the persistent cookies thing doesnt work right on the IAC website. I have found that by using CCleaner set up to remove all cookies associated with the website, various problems go away. This technique is particularly necessary when performing any Admin. You may start by doing some Tourney Admin, then you will need to logoff, rerun CCleaner, then log back on again in order to then do some Diary maintainence. If you try going straight into Tourney Admin into Diary Admin,  it just won't move.


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