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Messages - hi bye

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The IAC Café / Bridge poem
« on: September 12, 2023, 12:53:37 PM »
Hi everyone! I wrote a bridge poem and would like to share it to you!
I hope you will enjoy reading!

The bridge poem
The two sides of bridge – teacher and student
Bridge at the very beginning

If I am the King, you are my Queen.
If I am a game, you play to win.

I am at the bridge table for very first time.
Haven’t heard of this card game? This is a crime!

You are the teacher, you explain me the rules of the game.
In the next few lines, I will try to describe the bridge frame..

If I have the skills, you bring me the luck needed.
Bridge is a great game – and we all believe it!

If I am the basics, you are the improvement.
We are playing in a Tourney with clock movement.

Scoring is MPs, each trick matters.
But there is one thing that bothers:

Am I good enough? It’s hard to say.
But I try to learn and grow day by day.

Back at the bridge table, we are competing.
Many good players visit this meeting.

I look at my bidding box, wondering what to bid.
You remind me, only with look, that I shouldn’t quit.

If I play certain convention, you are the logical explanation.
If I overcall at some point and play bad..
You just smile and move on, without getting mad.

If I misplay, you win the next contract.
If I forget I play in No Trump, you look at me, silent.

If I am too many down, you make overtricks.
Bridge is a card game, sometimes we do take risks.

If I ask for undo, opponents allow it for me.
You gave me advice: Think and always count to three.

If I attack, but you want another lead..
Some days I feel as in court, I ask for a plead.

Defense is getting better, we are improving.
All other tables are moving.

Together we are sitting at the bridge table.
It seems our partnership is becoming stable.

This is bridge at the very beginning –
We all make mistakes, before winning!

Written by Diliana Aleksova
Meant to inspire and encourage youngsters and new players to join the bridge community!

The IAC Café / Di stories - favourite bridge convention
« on: April 10, 2020, 05:05:15 PM »
Hello! I'd like to share with you my favourite bridge convention. I didn't know what it means at the beginning but with the time I started to use it much. The convention is about bidding opponents suit, to ask your partner if they have a stopper in the bid suit. For example, opponent bids 2 spades, and I bid 3 spades, which will be ask for spade stopper (of course it depends on partnership agreement). I like this convention very much, although I am not sure how it is called. And you? What is your favourite bridge convention? Please, share with us!
This is probably last story of Di stories for now. I really loved all your stories and it was great pleasure for me. It was good feeling to read everything, because I know that people have different points of view. Your stories were wonderful!
Thank you for your trust and I hope I will see you again at the bridge table.

The IAC Café / Di stories - favourite bridge book
« on: April 01, 2020, 07:03:30 PM »
Hello! Today's topic is about our favourite bridge books. I have to confess, I don't read many books for bridge. Or at least not as much as I want to. But I do have favourite ones. I  remember the first bridge book I read - it was a gift to me from a friend. The book is called: "Blocking and unblocking plays in bridge" by Terence Reese and Roger Trezel. My friend gave it to me and said something like: Use it well. Another favourite bridge book, which i took from the bridge club is called: "Famous bridge disasters" by David Bird. I still have this book and I find it very useful. I think that bridge books help us to understand different points of view about the game itself. Right now, I am reading one bridge book from Mats Nilsland, its called "Competitive bids The Scanian Way". And you? Do you have favourite books about bridge? Please, share with us!

The IAC Café / Di stories - someone to remember
« on: March 27, 2020, 12:28:33 PM »
At first I didn't know his name. I only knew that he lives alone. He was very old, around 80, with white hair and lovable eyes. Then I started to talk to him - his name was Boris. His voice was low, his hands were trembling. But grandpa Boris was very smart. It was some time ago, he used to teach Physics. He loved to solve crossword puzzles in the newspaper. I don't know how he found out that I play bridge, maybe someone from my family told him. One morning I was going to school and I saw him. As he approached, his hands trembling, he gave me pieces from bridge articles he cut from the newspapers. There were around 40 articles. I smiled and I said: "Thank you, grandpa Boris" I took the articles, my eyes were full of tears.
Days after that, he passed away. Its been over 10 years and I still keep the articles. I read some of them. And I will always remember grandpa Boris - the person who gave me so much and changed everything. I've come to the conclusion: Don't judge, the smartest person maybe dressed in poor clothes. 

The IAC Café / Di stories - the story behind hi bye
« on: March 19, 2020, 11:55:42 AM »
I still remember the time I tried to create profile on bbo. I tried with several names but they were all taken. Then, I decided to write something like hi bye, hoping it won't be taken. And there it is - my bridge profile. I have had many questions about where my nick name comes from. I used to think that it comes from hi - hello, nice to meet you and bye - goodbye, in the end. In this life, we have many hi's and bye's. The truth is that it was created spontaneous, without much thinking :) I also found out there was one man who had similar profile to mine. He doesn't come much online, but when I have the chance, I talk to him. Have you ever met people on bbo with similar profile to yours? Did you talk to them? What is the story behind your bridge profile? Share with us!

The IAC Café / Di stories - Think. Count. Plan
« on: March 13, 2020, 09:51:54 AM »
Do you have something you tell to yourself before playing certain hand?
My bridge teacher used to say: "Never play automatic. Many players do play automatic. Instead of that - Think. Count. Plan.
Think. Always think. Count. Follow everything. Plan. Build strategy". At first I didn't realize how important are these words. I used to play impulsive, without thinking. But with the time, I learnt that bridge is a thinking game and if I wish to improve, I have to change something. I started to recall his words in my head. I think more now. I try to count and when I see the hand, I need minute or two to build a strategy. Maybe It doesn't work always, but I have the feeling that my teacher wanted to make me think about the things. He always said that if I want to be good in bridge, I have to learn to win and lose. "You cannot win if you don't know how to lose. Because these two things are part of the game" he said to me. Even though we don't play together anymore, I am truly grateful for everything he taught me. And you? Do you have a rule you follow? What is your bridge strategy? Share with us!

The IAC Café / Di stories - why my partner is playing against me
« on: March 05, 2020, 01:11:25 PM »
Have you ever had the feeling that your partner is playing against you?
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, just remember that if one person behaves in a certain way, there is a reason.
We are human. We have our worries, problems and regrets. But how does our own problems interact with the way we are playing bridge? This is a question that has its answers. I am still trying to find out how the problems of our life are related to the way of our play. I've come to this conclusion: playing in a bad way doesn't mean you are bad. It simply means that we are human and we make mistakes. So if your partner has a bad day, just tell him how much you care. We all have personality that is unique. We have to catch the mood and the emotions of our partner, and transfer them into something positive. I discovered that encouragement and praise give me more motivation that saying something like: You are not good. Instead of that I'd say: You have much to learn. We all have had bad partners. Or we all have been bad partners. The way we accept the reality and our attitude towards it shows who we are. And you? Have you ever played so bad but you couldn't do anything about it? Or had some partner who was playing in a bad way? What did you do and how did you react? Share with us!

The IAC Café / Di stories - good tournament with unforgettable story
« on: February 28, 2020, 10:58:08 AM »
What is needed for good tournament? I'd say experienced TD. Serious players. Good pace of play. Nice partner. And of course, good cards and some luck. Every one of us has answer to this question.
And what is needed for unforgettable story? Interesting beginning. If the beginning is not interesting, no one would read. Happy ending. We all love happy endings. Endings about how people succeed, how they fulfill their dreams, or how they find true love. But one story can have sad ending as well. Most of my stories have this boundary between happy and sad ending. Because I believe that if there is no sadness, we wouldn't know what happiness is.
My question today is: Have you ever had good tournament with unforgettable story?
Here is a story about my first bridge award - which makes it good tournament with unforgettable story. It was one year ago, I participated in the Sofia bridge festival. I competed in the junior category. At first, I was feeling nervous - this was my first big tournament and I didn't have much experience from the live game. The atmosphere was great - many players from Bulgaria and from other countries participated. There were 3 tournaments in the junior category. And the feeling was amazing. I have one first and one third place. I am really thankful to my partner, also junior player, and to the organizer of the festival. At the end, there was a ceremony, for prizes for the winners. Me and my partner were called first. I couldn't believe it! I was so happy in this moment! That was my first bridge award. Days after that, the excitement of this tournament couldn't leave me.
And you? Do you have interesting bridge story to tell? Share with us!

The IAC Café / Re: Di stories
« on: February 18, 2020, 02:52:23 PM »
Di stories welcome tourney starts this Thursday (20.02.2020) at 19:00 UTC.
There will be a short story after each tournament. Please, plan to join us!

The IAC Café / Di stories - let's introduce ourselves :)
« on: February 17, 2020, 06:23:14 PM »
We have our own stories. Stories about who we are, stories about love and friendship, stories about loneliness and failure. Every person has a story to tell. I have had this idea - to create stories about bridge. Welcome to Di stories!
This is the first story which represents what is bridge for me.
Hello! My name is Diliana. I started playing bridge at the age of 14. At first I had no idea what contract bridge is. But with the time, I fell in love with it. For me, bridge is a game of partnership and trust, hard work and skills, concentration and a bit of luck. Bridge takes a lot of time and practice. But you will meet people from different counties. Also, you will see your progress while playing with good players. For some people, bridge is passion. For others - competition. Bridge is this part of me which helps me grow and learn so many things. What is bridge for you? Share with us!
Di stories will try to represent the way we see things and opinion that matters.

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